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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Mon, Feb 10, 2025

Possible cover artwork for Rush's Clockwork Angels album, tourbook revealed

Tue, Apr 3, 2012@11:58AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 4/3@3:58PM: I was politely asked by Rush's management to remove these images from my site, and I have complied.

UPDATE - 4/3@1:21PM: Several of you have pointed out that the clock is reading 9:12 - or 21:12 in military time (9/12 is also Neil Peart's birthday). Also, I believe this is just the cover artwork - not the final cover itself. The actual cover will likely have Rush and Clockwork Angels written on it in some shape or form.

This morning I was sent the possible cover artwork for Rush's upcoming Clockwork Angels album and tourbook. They come from a reliable source which is why I decided to post them, and why I think they are legitimate. The album cover itself depicts the now familiar Clockwork Angels clock of alchemical symbols over a swirling red cloud. The tourbook cover is what's really interesting though. It depicts a cracked exterior wall along a sidewalk, with the crack revealing some steampunk gears beneath. On the wall written in a graffiti-style are rush, CLOCKWORK ANGELS, a CA logo of sorts and a red fire hydrant. Now here's the real intriguing part; sitting in front of the fire hydrant on the sidewalk is a Dalmatian. This is unmistakably a reference to Rush's 1982 Signals album, which celebrates the 30th anniversary since its release this year. Knowing that Rush played Moving Pictures in its entirety on the last tour to celebrate that album's 30th anniversary, this tourbook cover image seems to indirectly reveal that Rush will be doing the same thing with their Signals album on the upcoming Clockwork Angels tour. Pure speculation of course, but I wouldn't see any other reason to include the reference on the tourbook cover. We should know soon enough whether these are the official covers, since album artwork typically reveals itself online about 2 months or so before release - which is still scheduled for Tuesday, May 29th.

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[Rush's Clockwork Angels to release on May 29th, now available for pre-order through Amazon]
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[Clockwork Angels due out in May according to new Prog magazine Rush feature]
[Kevin J. Anderson's novelization of Rush's Clockwork Angels album due out this Fall from ECW Press]
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[Rush's Clockwork Angels album/tour most-anticipated of 2012]
[Rush wraps up Clockwork Angels recording]

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
