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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

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Rush Clockwork Angels, 2012 tour rumor update

Wed, Jan 25, 2012@4:33PM | comments removed/disabled

Rush finished up recording their upcoming Clockwork Angels album late last year and are currently in the process of mixing the album as described by Neil Peart in his most recent news update at

... While Alex and Geddy were finishing the writing and arranging in one smaller room of the studio, over in the big room I was working with The Mighty Booujzhe, recording my drum parts. As we prepare to start mixing in the New Year, it is too early to say anything about the results. (I once described mixing as "the end of waiting," while Geddy calls it, "the death of hope.") About the process, though, I can't resist spilling a little. ...

It looks as if the band is working on the mixing in Los Angeles as several Twitter users have reported spotting the band there recently. In interviews over the last year or so the band has consistently mentioned that they were shooting for a Spring release for the album with a tour to follow. Alex Lifeson said as much in his Planet Rock interview back in November along with saying that the band hopes to be out on tour in May or June. Since before the Holidays the band has not given any new interviews, so we've been relying solely on rumors for information ever since. In my latest Friday updates post I relayed the latest credible rumors I had heard regarding both the album and tour. These rumors came from a source close to their record label and jibed with what the band had been saying up until late last year; namely that they are aiming to release Clockwork Angels in late April and kick-off the tour shortly after in May/June. But it turns out that this information may have been a little outdated. In just the past few days I'd heard that in the last month or so the band's plans have switched direction and they have now pushed the tour to September. Indeed, Rush Forum member yyzyy had reported late last month that he ran into Rush lighting director Howard Ungerleider at a Trans-siberian Orchestra show and was told by him that the tour would start in September. I didn't put much stock in that report until just recently when this was corroborated by another source who let me know that up until last month the band had been on track for a May/June tour start, but then abruptly changed plans and will instead tour in the Fall. I haven't heard anything regarding the reasoning behind this decision or whether it would affect the release of the album, but there you have it. As always with rumors, take this all with a big grain of salt. My policy is and always has been to report any credible rumor I hear and let my readers make of it what they will. Hopefully we'll get some official information from interviews or a press release in the near future. More as I learn it.

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