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Clockwork Angels: The Novel world premiere book launch tonight

Thu, Aug 23, 2012@9:47AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 8/24@9:30AM: Here's a 4/5 book review from SF Signal (thanks Eric at Power Windows).

UPDATE - 8/23@9:06PM: Here's a photo from the event courtesy the WestSideBeemerBoyz Twitter feed.

The official world premiere book launch of Kevin J. Anderson's Clockwork Angels: The Novel will take place this evening at 7PM at the Richmond and John Chapters (142 John Street) book store in Toronto. Anderson is in town for a guest appearance at this coming weekend's Fan Expo but the Chapters event is open to the general public and will be the first time the novel will be available for sale. Anderson will give a speech, answer questions, and autograph books. For further details, visit In a recent interview by Phil Simon for the Huffington Post Anderson elaborates on how he and Neil Peart developed the novel:

... We brainstormed the structure of the story, the characters, the sequence of events, while we spent a day together climbing a 14,000-foot peak in Colorado (because what could be a better place for brainstorming?); the ideas kept flowing even as the oxygen level decreased. Later, as Rush continued on tour and I worked on other deadlines, and Neil kept writing the lyrics for other pieces of the story, we let the story lie fallow for a while, but when he had all the songs written, then I could start working. But the album is more than just words set to music; it wasn't until I finally heard the rough cuts of the tracks, with Neil's drums, Geddy Lee's [Rush's lead singer] vocals and bass, Alex Lifeson's guitars, that it all changed from black-and-white Kansas to Technicolor Oz. Then the story was real, and I was able to get to work, writing chapter after chapter as I listened to song after song. I would send the very rough drafts to Neil for his input, and he was like a conductor taking it to a higher level, suggesting changes and additions that tied strands together and pumped up the story. ...

In addition to the Chapters appearance and his guest slot at the Fan Expo, Anderson will be attending several other Clockwork Angels book signings and conventions over the coming weeks. For a complete list check out this post at Anderson's blog. A couple of weeks ago a free pdf version of the Clockwork Angels sampler booklet was made available for download at this location. The preview booklet includes introductions by Neil Peart and Anderson, the first three chapters in the novel, lyrics to Caravan and some of the artwork. Anderson also still has hardcopies of the booklet to give away. For details on how to obtain a hardcopy check out these instructions. You can check out the SciFi Pulse review of the novel here, and pre-order the audiobook version of Clockwork Angels (narrated by Neil Peart) at this location, and the hardcover edition here. Yesterday Anderson posted the first two chapters of his first novel Resurrection, Inc. to his blog along with this introduction:

My first novel RESURRECTION, INC. (originally published in 1988) has recently been reissued in eBook and in hardcopy. This book was inspired by the songs on the Rush album "Grace Under Pressure"-Someone to talk to and someone to sweep the floors; no swimming in the heavy water and no singing in the acid rain; suddenly, you were gone from all the lives you left your mark upon; are we the last ones left alive?; every muscle tense to fence the enemy within; one humanoid escapee, one android on the run; blind images flashing by, like windshields toward a fly... I see my novel, characters, and situations when I listen to the songs. ...

Related Posts:
[Kevin J. Anderson talks Clockwork Angels: The Novel in new SciFi Pulse interview]
[Clockwork Angels: The Novel world premiere book launch]
[Clockwork Angels: The Novel preview booklet free pdf download]
[Clockwork Angels: The Novel highlights posted at The Lofty Oaks]
[Clockwork Angels: The Novel special signed and numbered editions on sale now]
[Clockwork Angels: The Novel special signed and numbered editions on sale this Friday]
[Clockwork Angels novel sampler booklet giveaway]
[Clockwork Angels audiobook narrated by Neil Peart]
[Clockwork Angels novel sampler booklet at Book Expo America]
[Clockwork Angels: The Novel official press release]
[Clockwork Angels novelization cover art now available]
[Clockwork Angels novelization by Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart now available for pre-order]
[Kevin J. Anderson's novelization of Rush's Clockwork Angels album due out this Fall from ECW Press]
[Author Kevin J. Anderson to write novelization of Rush's upcoming Clockwork Angels album]

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
