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A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Tue, Feb 11, 2025

Rush's Clockwork Angels release open thread

Tue, Jun 12, 2012@8:56AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 6/14@9:14AM: Here's a review from, another from the Irish Times and another from The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (thanks highwater). Also, Billboard reports that Clockwork Angels should land one of the top few spots in the Billboard 200 this week. Unfortunately it looks like Usher is a lock for #1, but #2 is a definite possibility. The chart should be posted next Wednesday, June 20th.

UPDATE - 6/13@2:19PM: Here's an 8/10 review from Ultimate Classic Rock (thanks Don).

UPDATE - 6/13@11:16AM: I added a few more reviews to the list below. The album is now #3 on iTunes and is still holding at #1 on the Amazon Best Seller list for Music.

UPDATE - 6/12@11:52AM: The album is now also available for purchase as an Audiophile 96kHz/24bit download via (thanks Jeremy).

UPDATE - 6/12@11:42AM: Roadrunner has just posted a 4-minute-plus video interview (thanks simont2112) with Geddy Lee to their YouTube channel where Geddy talks about the Clockwork Angels album. You can check it out at this link and I've also embedded it at the bottom of this post.

UPDATE - 6/12@10:25AM: Clockwork Angels is currently the #1 best seller in Music on, and #20 in MP3 Downloads!

UPDATE - 6/12@9:56AM: The album is currently sitting at #4 on the iTunes album charts, and is numero uno on Amazon's Top 100 Movers & Shakers album chart!

Today is the official North American release of Rush's 19th full-length studio album Clockwork Angels.

The band has been hitting the airwaves promoting the album over the past week and will continue to do so into the coming week. There was Planet Rock's Clockwork Angels special on Saturday, the FMQB Clockwork Angels special, Geddy Lee's Bob & Tom interview yesterday, Q107's Q&A session with Alex and Geddy, and Geddy's interview from The National last night (available for viewing online). Today Alex and Geddy will be on Q with Jian Gomeshi, and Neil will be on Jim Ladd's Sirius XM show tomorrow. There have also been several interviews in the press and online, and the album is getting great reviews from all corners. Here are a few of them:

[Pittsburgh Post-Gazette] 3.5/4
[The Irish Times] 3 stars
[Ultimate Classic Rock] 8/10
[The Village Voice]
[Time Magazine]
[Cleveland Channel 5 News]
[The Imaginative Conservative]
[Blinded by Sound]
[Yahoo! Music Canada]
[The Calgary Herald] 3.5/5
[USA Today] 3 stars
[Buffalo News] 4/5
[Peffer Reviews] A+
[Montreal Gazzette] 4.5/5
[] 9.3/10
[] 4/5
[Something Else!]
[Toronto Sun] 4/5
[Toronto Globe and Mail] 3.5/5
[Audio Times]
[Martin Popoff]

If you haven't already, you can purchase the album on CD or on Vinyl, or digitally via Amazon or via iTunes.

Related Posts:
[Inside Rush: Clockwork Angels one-hour radio special hosted by Billy Corgan now online]
[Rush producer Nick Raskulinecz talks Clockwork Angels track-by-track in new interview]
[Planet Rock's Rush Clockwork Angels album special now available online; album review update]
[Clockwork Angels title track now streaming on Rush's Facebook page]
[Geddy Lee Classic Rock bonus content video interview now online]
[Rush Clockwork Angels liner notes, lyrics now available online]
[Rush Clockwork Angels additional sample clips now available]
[Some Rush fans already receiving their Clockwork Angels fanpacks]
[Inside Rush: Clockwork Angels one-hour radio special hosted by Billy Corgan to air week of album release]
[Rush Clockwork Angels album 30-second sample clips for all 12 tracks now available]
[Rush Clockwork Angels fanpack sampler e-zine now online]
[Alex Lifeson talks Clockwork Angels track-by-track in new interview]
[Clockwork Angels review from music journalist Martin Popoff]
[Clockwork Angels biography/essay by Neil Peart available online]
[Clockwork Angels track-by-track album review from The Digital Fix]
[Rush producer Nick Raskulinecz talks Clockwork Angels in new interview]
[Rush Clockwork Angels full album review track-by-track]
[Rush Clockwork Angels feature in April, 2012 issue of Prog]
[Rush Clockwork Angels official announcement, video trailer with Headlong Flight preview, cover art and track list!]

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
