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Clockwork Angels: The Comic Scripts eBook now available

Tue, Dec 2, 2014@9:47AM | comments

UPDATE - 12/3@12:49PM: The print edition is now available too.

UPDATE - 12/2@11:38AM: The print edition of the book should be available soon according to Anderson.

Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart's Clockwork Angels graphic novel series saw the release of its sixth and final issue last month, and a single-volume, full-length graphic novel is also slated for release next spring. In the meantime, Anderson has released a companion book to the graphic novel series via his Wordfire Press publishing company titled Clockwork Angels: The Comic Scripts, which is now available as an eBook. From the book's description:

... Clockwork Angels: The Comic Scripts pulls aside the creative curtain, showing the original scripts, panel by panel, interactions between author and artist, as well as all the secret "Easter eggs" intentionally planted throughout the images as a special treat for Rush fans. Clockwork Angels: The Comic Scripts is a fascinating book in its own right, to be studied by comic writers, Rush fans, Kevin J. Anderson fans-and anyone interested in a truly astonishing story of a young man's journey across a remarkable steampunk landscape with airships, pirates, alchemy, lost cities, a fabulous carnival, and a hero who insists on making his dreams come true.

Anderson and Peart are also working on 2 new Rush-related writing projects, one of which is a new companion novel to Clockwork Angels titled Clockwork Lives (as in the plural of life). The book will feature minor characters from Clockwork Angels and expand on their stories. Anderson revealed in a blog post recently that he and Neil Peart are now about two-thirds of the way finished with the novel although there's no word on a release date. He also just tweeted out the following update yesterday:

CLOCKWORK LIVES: The Sea Captain's Tale-writing going so well that I was *afraid* to get to the ending. My muse punched me in the gut.

The other project he's working on is an anthology of Rush-based stories that he'll be co-editing with John McFetridge for ECW Press (publisher of Clockwork Angels and Neil Peart's books). They have a team of award-winning and bestselling authors lined up to contribute short stories based on Rush songs, with Anderson himself contributing a novella titled 2113.

Related Posts:
[Preview of the 6th and final issue of the Clockwork Angels graphic novel]
[Kevin J. Anderson on the Clockwork Angels graphic novel]
[Clockwork Angels graphic novel cover art updates]
[Clockwork Angels graphic novel cover art preview]
[Clockwork Angels graphic novel preview, new interview with Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart]
[Neil Peart and Kevin J. Anderson talk Clockwork Angels graphic novel in new interview]
[Kevin J. Anderson talks Clockwork Angels: The Graphic Novel in new interview]
[Clockwork Angels: The Graphic Novel now available for pre-order]
[Kevin J. Anderson, Neil Peart talk Clockwork Angels: The Graphic Novel in new USA Today article]
[Clockwork Angels: The Graphic Novel from Kevin J. Anderson coming April 2014]
