Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, Oct 23, 2024

Updates and other random Rush stuff

Fri, Jan 3, 2014@11:44AM | comments

RushThere wasn't much of anything in the Rush news department happening this past week as we rang in the new year, so this first Friday Rush updates post of 2014 is going to be a short one. Unfortunately it looks like things will remain this way for much of the upcoming year. Despite the fact that 2014 will mark the 40th anniversary since the release of Rush's first album back in 1974, the band has indicated that they will not be embarking on any kind of R40 tour and will instead spend most of the year on a break from the band. That said, we've already learned that we'll at least be getting a re-issue of the debut album next year to mark the occasion, and hopefully the band will do something else special to celebrate. Assuming there won't be a tour or new album, how would you like to see the band celebrate its 40th anniversary? Take the poll and let us know.

Geddy Lee made Baseball Nation's list of the Best baseball GIFS of 2013, part VI: the best of the best. The GIF in question is an animated gif of Geddy walking out on the field with the Blue Jays mascot at the Jays' home opener to throw out the first pitch earlier this year. Here's what they have to say about it, and here's the gif image:

... Here's Geddy Lee walking on a baseball field with a gigantic blue jay. I don't know. I like how the mascot gets a little into it, and then Geddy starts getting into it. This GIF kind of bugs me, though, because I spend the next three days saying "OOOOOFFFFF SALESMEN!" under my breath for no good reason. ...

Rush's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction this past April made CTV's list of the top 10 biggest entertainment stories of 2013, coming in at #2.

This past July the Canada Post officially released a Canadian Recording Artist stamp series featuring Rush and other Canadian artists. Back in November the sale of a special, limited edition, signed day-of-issue cover for the Rush stamp was announced via this press release, and all 10 that were available quickly sold out. One of these signed covers has made its way to eBay and is currently up for auction through the weekend.

Virtuoso drummer Mike Portnoy (Dream Theater, Winery Dogs) was recently interviewed for (thanks Kelly M) and spoke a bit about drum solos and Neil Peart:

... One of the things that blew my mind about Rush was the drum solo. It was a centrepiece for their concert. The first time I saw him do one in person, it was one of the only times I've ever seen the whole audience with all eyes on the stage. ... In the '80s and '90s I was more of the Neil Peart type of soloist. I was into the chops and the playing and the spectacle with the huge drum set. I actually stopped doing drum solos in the mid-2000s just because I felt like it was redundant. ...

Donna Halper - the woman widely accredited for discovering Rush and helping them get their start back in 1974 - was recently interviewed for the RadioGirl podcast and spoke a bit about Rush. You can give it a listen online here (thanks RushFanForever). The track that Halper played on Cleveland radio station WMMS back in 1974 that helped launch Rush's career was Working Man. Here's some video of Rush performing the track with John Rutsey at Laura Secord High School in early 1974:

That's all for this first week of 2014. Have a great weekend and Happy New Year everybody!!
