Rush is a Band

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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Oct 24, 2024

Alex Lifeson interview from the Toledo Free Press

Thu, Apr 14, 2011@1:48PM | comments removed/disabled

[Interview: Rush brings 'Moving Pictures' to Toledo]

An article previewing last night's show in Toledo was published last week in the Toledo Free Press. The article contains several interview snippets with Alex Lifeson where he discusses the tour, Moving Pictures and the upcoming Clockwork Angels album:

... Lifeson said the band has nine songs in various stages of completion for the new CD. At this point, the CD is shaping up to be a musically varied work. "There is the epic song, 'Clockwork Angels,' which is really taking shape. It's a multiparted piece, very dynamic," the guitarist said. "Then there's some stuff that's very melodic and on the softer side, on acoustic, with a strong melody. So there’s great diversity there." ...

You can read the entire article/interview at this link. Thanks to RushFanForever for the heads up.

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