Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Feb 6, 2025

Longtime SRO/Anthem VP Pegi Cecconi has passed away

Thu, Mar 28, 2024@4:38PM | comments

UPDATE - 4/2@2:49PM: Billboard Canada has published Pegi's obituary here (thanks RushFanForever).

UPDATE - 3/29@9:06AM: Here's an article with some more details, along with this tribute from the JUNO Awards.

UPDATE - 3/28@6:15PM: Geddy has also shared a tribute to Pegi on IG, including a photo of Pegi with the late Andrew MacNaughtan who passed away in 2012:

Pictured here with the late Andrew MacNaughtan is the inimitable and remarkable QOFE - Pegi Cecconi -whose laugh could be heard the moment she entered any venue- Thanks Peg, for 50 years of having our backs... wherever you're headed they ain't ready for ya!...

----- snip -----

I'm very sad to report that, according to a number of official posts on social media, longtime Rush "family" member and SRO/Anthem VP Pegi Cecconi has passed away. The tragic news broke earlier today via social media posts from some of Cecconi's close friends and colleagues, including this one from Anthem Entertainment Group on Facebook:

With great sadness, we say goodbye to our friend and colleague Pegi Cecconi. With her passionate advocacy, straight-shooting directness, and legendary wit and humour, Pegi made an indelible mark on all of us at ole/Anthem and across the music industry. Pegi was a true trailblazer in the industry and leaves behind an extraordinary legacy. Our world will not be the same without her. Rest in peace, Pegi. We will miss you very much.

Cecconi got her start in the music business as a teenager in the 1970s, working alongside Rush manager Ray Danniels in Toronto, as VP of SRO Management Inc. and indie label Anthem Entertainment Group, where she spent much of the remainder of her career. Rush owned their publishing from 1974 to 2014, after which they were sold to ole (now Anthem Entertainment), and Cecconi remained on as a consultant. Back in 2021, she was the recipient of the Walt Grealis Special Achievement Award as part of the 50th JUNO Awards. In her multiple roles as part of Rush's management company and record label over the past 50 years, Cecconi played a pivotal role in the band's development and success. The award ceremony included a biographical video and short acceptance speech with interview segments from Rush's Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee, Rush manager Ray Danniels and many others. You can watch the video below or at this location, and read Pegi's full, un-edited acceptance speech at The Canadian Music Scene website. There's no obituary online as of yet, but we'll share that when available. Alex Lifeson posted this tribute to Pegi on IG along with a photo of himself with Pegi and Geddy:

"I'm going to get the fuck outta here." - Pegi Cecconi, QOFE

On her chosen date and time, because she was the Queen Of Fucking Everthing, Pegi got the fuck outta here.

Bless you EC and RR - incredible ladies-in-waiting for her Royal Fucking Highness.

On behalf of all RIAB readers, our thoughts and prayers go out to Pegi's family and friends. You will be missed.
