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Rush R40 Live tour Austin open thread

Sat, May 16, 2015@1:16PM | comments

Date/Time: Saturday, May 16th @ 8:00PM
Show Number: 5
Venue: Austin360 Amphitheater
Place: Austin, TX
Twitter: #R40ATX | #R40Live
Instagram: #R40ATX
YouTube: Austin Rush R40 Live Tour
Setlist: Version B
Photos: | Randy Johnson
Reviews: The Horn | | Texas Rock Report | The Lofty Oaks

UPDATE - 5/24@11:39AM: Here's a review from The Lofty Oaks.

UPDATE - 5/23@12:04AM: Here's a great gallery of photos from Randy Johnson.

UPDATE - 5/18@2:09PM: Here's a review of the show from the Texas Rock Report.

UPDATE - 5/18@8:34AM: Here's a review from

UPDATE - 5/17@10:59PM: Here's a review and some photos from The Horn.

UPDATE - 5/17@4:33PM: Photographer and former Hall-of-Fame pitcher Randy Johnson was on hand last night to chat with Geddy and take some photos of the band ...

UPDATE - 5/17@9:45AM: Here's an ever-growing gallery of photos from

UPDATE - 5/17@12:12AM: The show is over. They played the same Version B setlist that was played in Lincoln, as expected. Get the full setlist here. A very BIG thanks to Bob Kalka, Chris B and Tom D for texting me setlist updates from the show. Good night Austin!

UPDATE - 5/16@10:22PM: Intermission time and no surprises in Set 1. Full setlist so far here.

UPDATE - 5/16@8:54PM: Clear skies in Austin. Show should start soon. Reader Chris B spotted a copy of the written setlist and confirmed the Version B set as expected. If anything changes I'll post it here otherwise follow along with the setlist here.

Rush begins their 3-show stint across the Lone Star State tonight where they'll play the Austin360 Amphitheater in Austin, TX - the 5th overall and the first outdoor show of the R40 Live tour. They'll then head to Dallas and Houston next week, before making their way across the Southeastern US for 5 more shows to finish off the first leg of the tour. After alternating between different setlists for the first 3 shows, Rush repeated the opening night setlist Thursday night in St. Louis (outside of flipping the order of the 1st 2 songs). This seems to suggest that the band will be alternating between 3 setlists from this point onwards, and that tonight's setlist will likely be the same Version B set played in Lincoln Sunday night. That said, Rush could always still surprise us with something new. For more discussion on that, check out my pre-show SPOILER review below the fold. Since they seem to have settled into a pattern of sorts, I'll only be posting any significant changes or additions to the setlist to this thread. Otherwise, you can just follow along as I update the setlist LIVE (hopefully) here. There are scattered thunderstorms forecast for Austin today, but it looks like it might clear up by tonight. I'd suggest bringing some rain gear just in case! For everybody going to the show, have fun, stay safe (and dry) and make sure to share your reports, reviews, photos and video with us. RUUSSSHHHH!!!!

*** WARNING ***







*** pre-show SPOILER review *** After alternating between different setlists for the first 3 shows, Rush repeated the opening night setlist Thursday night in St. Louis (other than flipping the order of the 1st 2 songs). This seems to suggest that the band will be alternating between those 3 setlists from this point onwards, and that tonight's show will be the same as the Lincoln setlist (Setlist Version B). That said, it's still very possible they'll throw something new in at some point. Rush has played all the songs listed in the tourbook credits so far except for The Big Money, but since they haven't played it up to this point, the band may have just decided to drop it from the setlist altogether. It's also possible that the band will throw one other surprise in - maybe swap something into the One Little Victory/How It Is spot (maybe even something from Test For Echo?). Another outside possibility for the setlist is Losing It. On Tuesday in St. Paul Rush reportedly played Losing It (confirmed by several independent sources) in soundcheck (using a triggered/recorded violin part), although they didn't end up playing it during the show. From the rumors currently floating around, that song will be played at a few select shows with a guest violinist(s), with the likely candidates being Toronto, NYC, Vancouver and Los Angeles. So it will probably not be played tonight, but you never know.

Photos from Instagram using hashtag #R40ATX:
