Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Oct 24, 2024

Part two of Le Studio: Temple of Sound documentary now available

Thu, Feb 5, 2015@3:43PM | comments

Le StudioA few years ago I first let you know about a group of Rush fans that had organized a YouTube channel dedicated to the legendary Le Studio in Morin Heights, Quebec where Rush recorded several albums including Permanent Waves and Moving Pictures. The idea of the channel was to collect videos and news stories about Le Studio and help keep fans updated on any revitalization efforts, with the eventual goal of creating some kind of documentary. After a few years of development, this past April the channel posted the first episode of their multi-part Le Studio documentary to YouTube. The first episode focused on Le Studio's history and particularly its importance to the history of Rush. It can be viewed on YouTube at this location. The second episode is also now available, and gives a guided tour of (most of) the facility in its current dilapidated state:

... Episode Two finally begins the promised "virtual tour" of the facility, taking viewers through the building in its current state (most site photography and video was taken in 2011-2013). 80% of the building will be covered in this episode, leaving the main recording studio section (final 20%) to an entire Episode Three.

You can watch episode two below or on YouTube at this location. To keep up to date on future episodes, be sure to follow the Le Studio Channel on YouTube.
