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Wed, Feb 12, 2025

Rush sound engineer Rich Chycki checks in on the Moving Pictures 5.1 remix, Cleveland live DVD

Sun, May 15, 2011@11:37AM | comments removed/disabled

Rush sound engineer Rich Chycki posted to his blog earlier today to update us on his recent projects. He's spent the last several weeks working on the new Dream Theater album but took some time off to see Rush in Hamilton last month with Dream Theater vocalist James LaBrie and session drummer Alex Tukatsch (of the David Barrett Trio). Sound and Vision Magazine editor-in-chief Mike Mettler sent Rich a preview of his upcoming 5-star review of Rush's Moving Pictures 5.1 Deluxe Edition which will appear in the Summer 2011 issue of the magazine, and mentions that a track-by-track interview (I think he means review?) will be available soon at the Sound and Vision website. Rich also weighs in on the recent stellar review of the remix and their mention of lossless LPCM 2.0 fold down:

... there is a mention of a ‘lossless LPCM 2.0 fold down’ of the album which I’ve seen mentioned a few times around the web. The fact is, I didn’t do a fold down of the 5.1 mixes as my goal was to not remix the album per se but to present the album in an engaging ‘new’ format (5.1) for the fans. The 2.0 is a hi-res transfer and remaster of the original stereo mixes done in 1981. ...

Chycki closes by saying that work is underway on the Cleveland live DVD and that he'll have more details to report when there are some. You can read Rich's entire blog post at this link.

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[First review in for the Moving Pictures 5.1 surround sound remix]

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
