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Rush 2011 Time Machine Tour: Cleveland open thread

Fri, Apr 15, 2011@11:35AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 4/18@12:39PM: Here's yet another interview with Donna Halper from the lead-up to Friday's show.

UPDATE - 4/18@9:55AM: Here's a review from Cleveland's Scene magazine.

UPDATE - 4/17@12:10PM: Reader hermy managed to catch some video of Sam Dunn and Scot McFadyen when they came out prior to the concert to announce that they'd be directing the filming of the live DVD.

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UPDATE - 4/17@10:13AM: Here's a much higher resolution version of the Rock Hall group photo thanks once again to Paul at The Canadian Music Scene.

UPDATE - 4/17@9:49AM: Here's a scan of the posted legal notice that was up at the Quicken Loans Arena Friday night (thanks Doug F):

Filming Notice:

By entering the premises at Quicken Loans Arena, 1 Center Court, Cleveland, OH, you automatically agree to be filmed for any and all media purposes known now or to be developed, into perpetuity, without compensation or acknowledgement .

Enjoy the show!

- Banger Films

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UPDATE - 4/16@11:37PM: Official photos are now posted at the Rush on the Road Photo Store website.

UPDATE - 4/16@10:28AM: Here's a story from WTAM on the Rock Hall gathering yesterday afternoon along with this photo gallery of the event.

UPDATE - 4/16@9:32AM: Here's the review from the Cleveland Plain Dealer (thanks timintey):

Rush was ready for its close-up in Cleveland. So were 14,000-plus overjoyed fans who packed The Q for a sold-out performance Friday night by their favorite three-headed rock monster. The show was filmed for an upcoming DVD release.... “Thank you, Cleveland, Ohio,” a beaming Lee said at the end of the night. “Best! Audience! Ever! We appreciate it so much.” The concert DVD could be out by the end of this year, Lee said in a recent interview. For now, as they say in Hollywood: That’s a wrap!...

Here's a little write-up at the Banger Films website regarding the filming. And here's this Facebook gallery (thanks Sean) which has some good shots of all the various cameras used for filming throughout the show.

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UPDATE - 4/15@11:42PM: I just got back from the show and it was absolutely incredible. The sellout crowd was on fire right from the start. The big news is that Rush documentary filmmakers Sam Dunn and Scot McFadyen came out and addressed the crowd before the show, announcing that they would be directing the filming of the live DVD. There were cameras everywhere including an e-blimp flying around the crowd. I spotted Donna Halper (and gave her a hug), Pegi Cecconi of Anthem and Rush's manager Ray Danniels.

UPDATE - 4/15@4:46PM: Here's the photo of the Rush fan gathering at the Rock Hall courtesy Paul from The Canadian Music Scene.

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UPDATE - 4/15@4:25PM: I just got back from the Rock Hall gathering and am happy to report that it was a huge success. The weather was great (a little chilly but sunny) and there were around probably 200 enthusiastic Rush fans in attendance, all wearing their Rush paraphernalia and holding a variety of Rush banners, license plate and signs. The center of attention was organizer Todd Walterspaugh's large banner depicting the Rush Starman logo mooning the Rock Hall logo. I'm fairly sure that the Plain Dealer was reporting on it as well as local talk radio station WTAM. I hope to have some photos posted and/or linked soon, but for now here's one photo that pretty much sums things up (thanks Helen O).

Woah Yeah!! Cleveland will be caught in Rush's camera eye tonight as they bring the Time Machine Tour to town to film their first full-length live concert DVD in the US. The Cleveland Plain Dealer has a huge multi-article feature on Rush and tonight's show in today's edition including interviews with Geddy Lee and with Donna Halper. The Geddy Lee interview focuses on Rush and their history with the city of Cleveland and why they chose Cleveland to film the DVD, and Donna Halper discusses her role in the band's history. Donna will also be attending tonight's show as a special guest of the band. Geddy also gives the Plain Dealer a track-by-track breakdown of Moving Pictures in this article. And the newspaper also has a feature titled Why isn't Rush in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame? where they speak with fan and riab reader Todd Walterspaugh, who is organizing a protest of sorts in front of the Rock Hall today at 3PM. Then there's also this preview article from Cleveland Scene magazine. It's gonna be a big night! There are multiple pre-show gatherings happening downtown before the show; if you are planning a gathering or attending one, please post details in the comments. To everybody going to the show, have fun, be safe, smile big for the cameras and make sure to share your reports, reviews, and photos with us.

Date/Time: Friday, April 15th @ 7:30PM
Show Number: 9
Venue: Quicken Loans Arena
Place: Cleveland, OH

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