Rush is a Band

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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Oct 24, 2024

New book The Flyer Vault chronicles Toronto's concert history and includes a foreword by Geddy Lee

Thu, Sep 19, 2019@2:14PM | comments

Daniel Tate is the curator of the popular Flyer Vault Instagram page, where he has shared thousands of Toronto-area music flyers that he has collected over the years. He'll be releasing a book version of his Instagram page with co-author Rob Bowman later this Fall titled The Flyer Vault: 150 Years of Toronto Concert History, which includes a foreword by Rush's Geddy Lee. From Exclaim!:

... Authored alongside Grammy Award-winning musicologist Rob Bowman, the book features a foreword penned by Rush's Geddy Lee and promises to be "a visual tour-de-force" that "captures a mesmerizing history of Toronto concert and club life, ​running the gamut of genres from vaudeville to rock, jazz to hip-hop, blues to electronica, and punk to country." ... "I started the Flyer Vault on Instagram in 2015 simply to upload all the flyers I saved when I was a little raver and hip-hop head back in the '90s and early '00s," Tate wrote in announcing the project on Instagram. "As the popularity of the project grew, I realized two universal truths: everyone loves music, and everyone loves nostalgia. Four years later, here we are." Tate added that book also includes anecdotes from Flyer Vault followers, and illustration from Dave Murray.

Earlier this year on the Instagram page he profiled an early Led Zeppelin show from August 18, 1969 at the Rock Pile in Toronto, which Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson and John Rutsey attended as described by Geddy in this post:

"I know it sounds somewhat trite to say that an album changed your life but the first Led Zeppelin album had that kind of impact on me. The record was released early in 1969, and word of it's greatness was spreading with such intensity that by the time they were enroute to Toronto for a gig at the The Rock Pile, getting tickets had become nothing short of frenzied...I had zero money at the time and my mom was not very accommodating in such bandmates Alex Lifeson and John Rutsey had managed to scrape together enough coin but I couldn't...this required drastic measures and so I took the typewriter that my grandmother had bought me for my birthday and ventured down to Church St and pawned it in one of the shops that dotted that street. Success. I guiltily accepted the money and went straight out to buy my ticket for the show that was now being referred to as "Mighty Monday"! We lined up extra early for the 8 p.m. general admission show and we ended up in the 2nd row right in front of Jimmy Page...effin amazing! The band floated onto the stage and started rippin' into a killer version of the old Yardbirds classic, "Train Kept a Rollin"- they were super loud, and the summer heat kept rising in that old Masonic Temple and the crowd was so seriously jacked and stomping that I remember little bits of plaster falling from the ceiling of the place. They literally brought down the house! The unforgettable birth of heavy rock as far as my bandmates and I were concerned. I left the show breathless and ecstatic and it wasn't until the next day that I started trying to figure out how the hell I was going to get my typewriter out of hock before my mom found out!"

The book is slated for release on October 26th in Canada, and on November 19th in the US, and can be pre-ordered at this location.
