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Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart's Clockwork Lives graphic novel released today

Tue, Jun 26, 2018@10:36AM | comments

UPDATE - 6/27@9:09AM: Here's a review from Geekdad's Skip Owens.

The graphic novel representation of Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart's 2015 novel Clockwork Lives - the follow-up to Clockwork Angels - officially releases today via Insight Comics. Author Kevin J. Anderson recently sat down for an interview to talk about the graphic novel, and described what it was like to collaborate with Neil Peart:

I've known Neil for about 28 years now, so this has been a long time coming. He is an incredible perfectionist, and I was a little worried when we started, but he was terrific to work with. We climbed a mountain together in Colorado and brainstormed the initial backbone of the first novel, and we sent countless emails back and forth developing the characters and storyline. For Clockwork Lives, I would send him the rough draft of each story as I wrote it, plus the frame story chapters. It was exhilarating for both of us.

Sneak peeks of several panels from the graphic novel are available online, including a pdf download of several panels from the book here, a preview of the first 12 pages here, and several other panels available via the Amazon listing. The 176-page, full-color, hardcover book is beautifully-illustrated with a cover design from Hugh Syme, and can be ordered via Amazon at this location.

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[Kevin J. Anderson talks Clockwork Lives graphic novel in new interview]
[View a sneak peek of Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart's Clockwork Lives: The Graphic Novel, due out next month]
[Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart's Clockwork Lives: The Graphic Novel coming this June]
[Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart's Clockwork Lives graphic novel coming soon]
