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Kevin J. Anderson talks Clockwork Lives graphic novel in new interview

Wed, Jun 6, 2018@11:39AM | comments

UPDATE - 6/7@12:46PM: Eric at Power Windows also wrote [this short review|] of the book.

The graphic novel representation of Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart's 2015 novel Clockwork Lives - the follow-up to Clockwork Angels - will be getting released as a graphic novel via Insight Comics later this month. Insight Comics recently sat down with Anderson for an interview to talk about the graphic novel, and described what it was like to collaborate with Neil Peart:

I've known Neil for about 28 years now, so this has been a long time coming. He is an incredible perfectionist, and I was a little worried when we started, but he was terrific to work with. We climbed a mountain together in Colorado and brainstormed the initial backbone of the first novel, and we sent countless emails back and forth developing the characters and storyline. For Clockwork Lives, I would send him the rough draft of each story as I wrote it, plus the frame story chapters. It was exhilarating for both of us.

You can read the entire interview online here. Insight Comics has provided a sneak peek of several panels from the graphic novel, including a pdf download of several panels from the book here, a preview of the first 12 pages here, and several other panels available via the Amazon listing. John over at wrote a review of the graphic novel earlier this week, saying the following:

... it is that playful creation of both the characters and the scenery that will be of particular interest to Rush fans. The graphic novel is filled with nods, both obvious and subtle, to the Canadian group. The aforementioned Cygnus Tavern brought a broad smile to my face, for obvious reasons. While the clever use of lyrical phrases from numerous Rush songs were always a treat to encounter. After reading through the graphic novel, I went back and studied the artwork more closely, which uncovered many more Rush references. Again, some obvious like the appearance of all three band members in The Percussor's Tale, to the less obvious appearance of the Snakes & Arrows curved arrow sign sitting next to the Fly By Night owl in The Seeker's Tale. Returning to the novel during a future reading will doubtless reveal other Rush nuggets. ...

The 176-page, full-color, hardcover book is beautifully-illustrated with a cover design from Hugh Syme, and is currently slated for release on June 26th. It can be pre-ordered at this location.
