Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Feb 6, 2025

Rush reference on tonight's episode of Family Guy

Sun, Nov 20, 2016@11:32PM | comments

Tonight's episode of the animated FOX sitcom Family Guy (Season 15, Episode 7 - High School English contained a major Rush reference. The episode has Peter Griffin in a library where he reads three classical tales, one of which is The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. The episode then has the cast act out the novel in abbreviated form with Peter Griffin as Huck Finn and Chris Griffin playing the part of Tom Sawyer. At one point Huck asks Tom what he's doing so far from home, to which he replies, "Rush is playing here tonight. They wrote a song about me." Jim (the runaway slave) played by Cleveland then shows up. Huck asks what they should do next, and Tom rips off his shirt to reveal a Rush concert t-shirt underneath and shouts, "Rush concert!" The scene ends with the three at a Rush concert with Rush performing Tom Sawyer as seen in this video clip. Thanks to John at for the heads up.
