Rush is a Band

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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

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Rush and the 40th anniversary of 2112 featured in latest edition of Prog magazine

Mon, Feb 1, 2016@3:26PM | comments

UPDATE - 2/12@11:53AM: John at got his hands on a copy and is in the midst of transcribing it. The feature is titled We Have Assumed Control and John posted this excerpt to Facebook earlier today:

... A few years later, Alex Lifeson shared his thoughts on why he thought the Starman logo had endured so well, and what the secret to its longevity and association with Rush might have been. "The naked bum and the fist, I think," he said without blinking. "That's it, the bum and the fist."

And while the cover and inner artwork were heavy on symbolism, the back sleeve was given over to a rather po-faced Rush dressed in what could only be described as kimonos.

"Ah, the kimonos, that's what they were," says Lee with a laugh. "Didn't you think they were swish?

"You know, people and our management kept saying to us, 'You need a new image.' And it's true - we weren't very image-orientated. So I remember we were in San Francisco and we're staying at the Miyako Hotel, which is in the Japanese part of town, and we said, 'Okay, let's go buy some stage clothes and get an image happening.' We just walked around the Chinese area and we found these kinds of colourful robes and said, 'Okay, let's try this,' and that's what we did. I mean, some people liked it..."

He regards Prog evenly over his round glasses. "But that straw fedora Al's wearing on the inside sleeve, nobody told Alex to bring that hat with him. That was all his idea."

And then he's laughing again. ...

----- snip -----

The latest edition of Prog magazine (Prog #63) hit newsstands this past Friday and contains a cover feature celebrating the upcoming 40th anniversary of Rush's 2112 album (the album was released sometime around the end of March/beginning of April in 1976). The cover displays the iconic Starman with a tagline that reads, "RUSH 2112: 'We really thought it was our last Hurrah.' 40 years ago it looked like Rush was finished. Then they made 2112 ...". The cover also includes a call-out saying, "New interview: Geddy Lee on the future of Rush (there is one)". Here's a description of the feature via the Prog website:

The brand new issue of Prog is on sale today, and we celebrate 40 years of Rush's iconic 2112 album... It was the album that pretty much saved the band's career and remains one of their most popular. Ironically we also discuss with the band themselves what the future might hold for the band following the recent R40 tour amid a raft of rumours suggesting the end might be in sight for Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson and Neil Peart.

Thanks to Eric at Power Windows for the heads up.
