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Kevin J. Anderson talks Clockwork Angels, Clockwork Lives, 2113 and more in new Rushcast interview

Sun, Mar 1, 2015@2:44PM | comments

Clockwork Angels author Kevin J. Anderson was a guest on the most recent episode of the Rushcast podcast, and spent over 30 minutes talking with host Jay Mantis about Rush and his collaboration with Neil Peart on the Clockwork Angels novel and other related projects. The interview begins with Anderson explaining how he became involved with the novelization of Rush's Clockwork Angels album, and then segues into a discussion about the graphic novel, the upcoming Clockwork Angels companion novel Clockwork Lives, and the 2113 anthology of Rush-inspired short stories he's editing. You can listen to the entire interview below or at this location. The Clockwork Angels graphic novel will be released as a 1-volume, standalone edition on April 7th and can be pre-ordered here. Clockwork Angels: The Comic Scripts was released back in December and is a collection of the original graphic novel scripts. Clockwork Lives (as in the plural of life) will feature minor characters from Clockwork Angels and expand on their stories, and is due out from ECW Press this September. Anderson recently posted a portion of the first chapter to his blog which you can check out here. There's also a video of Anderson discussing the origins of the novel which you can view on YouTube at this location. 2113 will be an anthology of Rush-based stories that Anderson is co-editing with John McFetridge as described in this post. They have a team of award-winning and bestselling authors lined up to contribute short stories based on Rush songs, with Anderson himself contributing a novella titled 2113. It will likely release later this year or early next year.

Related Posts:
[Kevin J. Anderson discusses the origins of Clockwork Lives in new video]
[Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart's Clockwork Lives official press release and sample chapter]
[Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart's Clockwork Lives due in September, now available for pre-order]
[More details on Kevin J. Anderson's anthology of Rush-based stories and 2113 novella]
[Kevin J. Anderson and Neil Peart working on sequel to Clockwork Angels titled Clockwork Lives]
