Rush is a Band

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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Oct 24, 2024

Clockwork Angels author Kevin J. Anderson to make a big announcement at RushCon this weekend

Mon, Aug 18, 2014@11:14PM | comments

UPDATE - 8/24@1:31PM: Kevin J. Anderson spoke at RushCon today and revealed his second promised big announcement. Here's another tweet from Kelly D with the news:

BREAKING: @TheKJA and Neil Peart are in the process of writing new book called Clockwork Lives. . .!!!!!! @cygnusx1net @rushisaband

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UPDATE - 8/23@4:52PM: Although Kevin J. Anderson isn't scheduled to speak at RushCon until tomorrow, it seems that longtime RIAB member and RushCon 14 attendee Kelly D managed to get some info on what at least one of KJA's big announcements is in regards to. Here's what she tweeted out less than an hour ago:

BREAKING: @TheKJA to release novella called "2113" in @rushtheband story anthology @cygnusx1net @rushisaband

More news as we learn it.

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The 14th annual RushCon will take place at The Great Hall in Toronto this coming weekend! One of the guest speakers will be Clockwork Angels author and good friend of Neil Peart - Kevin J. Anderson - who will be speaking on Sunday. Anderson just tweeted out that he'll be making a big announcement at the Con this weekend:

And I will have a big announcement at @RushCon this weekend. Oh man, a big one. Maybe two. If you guys can handle it. @rushisaband

There's no other indication or clues as to what the announcement will be so let the speculation begin (how about a Clockwork Angels movie?!). In addition to Anderson, the other guest speakers will be Rush lighting director Howard Ungerleider, Rush roadie Tony "Jack Secret" Geranios, and author Martin Popoff. The convention will consist of 3 days of Rush-filled events, including a Friday night opening mixer at the Chelsea Eaton Churchill Ballroom; a Saturday night Rush tribute band show with Lotus Land; Rush-themed trivia, games, multimedia shows, door prizes, etc.; the Rush charity auction; and more. You can register online at this location. For all the RushCon details just go to, and be sure to follow RushCon on Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on all the latest RushCon news.
