Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Sat, May 4, 2024

Rush featured in latest issue of Mobile Production Monthly

Mon, Jun 24, 2013@10:52AM | comments removed/disabled

Rush is the cover feature for the latest issue (Volume 6, Issue 3) of the touring industry publication Mobile Production Monthly. The issue contains an 8-page feature on Rush's current Clockwork Angels tour including a 4-page article titled Rush's Clockwork Angels Completes the Steampunk Journey, where they go over the band's current stage show with a few of the Rush road crew members. The article also contains a painstakingly detailed breakdown of Rush's equipment and stage crew. There's also a 2-page interview with Rush front-of-house engineer Brad Madix, and a short article on Rush's sound company - Clair. The entire magazine is available online as a pdf at this location (thanks robertkincaid96).

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