Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Fri, May 10, 2024

New Geddy Lee interview with UK newspaper the Sheffield Star

Thu, Aug 30, 2012@9:30AM | comments removed/disabled

UK newspaper the Sheffield Star recently published an interview with Geddy Lee where they speak with him about the band's Clockwork Angels album among other subjects. Here's what Geddy had to say about Rush fans:

... "I don't think there is a typical Rush fan because the diversity within the Rush community is striking, at least from the stage looking out. "I see young guys who look too hip to be Rush fans standing beside a guy who looks my age and has come with his kid and handed Rush down like a father teaches his kid to throw a baseball. "There's always going to be the muso fan; players who come to see us because of our chops and that's how we started. We are musos and are always into that thing that makes you want to play better, faster, with more confidence. "Some nights you feel you can play anything and that's part of the addiction of being a musician. You're looking for the perfect evening where the three of you are in that sweet spot all night long; it does happen but not as often as you would want. On the nights where you feel stiff, you're the same player, but some nights are more magic than others. I love it. "We've had a long run and feel really fortunate about that. We've come all this way, we want to get our money's worth by playing all these songs, just like the fans."

You can read the entire interview at this location.

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