Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Nov 7, 2024

Poll Archive

How will you be getting or how did you get your copy of Snakes & Arrows? (check all that apply)

Posted on 04.30.07

In-store purchase at large store (Best Buy, Circuit City, etc.) 157 44.4% (63.3%)
Order/pre-order online (Amazon, Best Buy, etc.) 97 27.4% (39.1%)
Download legally (iTunes, etc.) 32 9.0% (12.9%)
Download leaked version 31 8.8% (12.5%)
In-store purchase at small (independent) store 29 8.2% (11.7%)
Promotional copy, gift or prize 8 2.3% (3.2%)