Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Sat, Sep 14, 2024

Poll Archive

What do you think about author Kevin J. Anderson writing a novelization of Rush's upcoming Clockwork Angels album?

Posted on 02.10.12

It's completely awesome, and Anderson's the perfect author for the task. I can't wait to read it! 114 34.9%
It's a good idea and I'll read the book at some point. 103 31.5%
It's an ok idea. I'll probably read the book eventually. 39 11.9%
It's a horrible idea and I won't read the book. 20 6.1%
I like the idea but I won't read the book. 16 4.9%
I'm still waiting for the novelization of 2112. 12 3.7%
I can't read 12 3.7%
It's a great idea and I'll read the book, but I would have liked to see a different author involved. 8 2.5%
It's not a good idea, but I'll still read the book. 2 0.6%
It's a horrible idea, but I'll still read the book. 1 0.3%