Rush is a Band

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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Sat, May 4, 2024

Golfer Rocco Mediate to wear a Rush cap at the Canadian Open

Tue, Jul 20, 2010@2:09PM | comments removed/disabled

[Feschuk: Canadian Open challengers ready to rock]

UPDATE - 7/22@5:53PM: The Canadian Music Scene conducted this short interview with Rocco at the Canadian Open earlier today. He talks about his love of Rush and friendship with Alex Lifeson. There's also a nice picture of him with a Coppinwood (the golf course partially owned by Alex Lifeson) cap on.

UPDATE - 7/22@4:18PM: Here are a couple of photos of Rocco sporting his Rush cap from after his practice round yesterday courtesy reader timintey.

According to this recent Toronto Star article, golfer Rocco Mediate will be wearing a Rush cap at the Canadian Open which kicks off later this week in Toronto. Mediate is a good friend of Alex Lifeson and was recently spotted at Rush's July 5th concert in Chicago. From the article:

If all the world's pro athletes were forced to make an in-their-prime career change, it wouldn't take a pollster to project the majority vote.

They'd mostly morph into rock stars, or rap stars. And you could count Rocco Mediate, the PGA Tour pro, among the first in line to make the switch.

At least this is what Mediate was saying on Monday between practice putts at St. George's Golf and Country Club in Etobicoke, where the RBC Canadian Open will commence its 101st edition on Thursday. Mediate, who famously tangled with Tiger Woods in an 18-hole playoff at the 2008 U.S. Open, is a big music fan. He is also a close friend of Alex Lifeson, the Toronto-bred guitarist for the rock band Rush.

And Mediate admires the acclaimed trio so much that this week he'll be a rare sight among PGA types. Not currently under contract to sport the obligatory logo of a sponsor on his cap, he'll pull on headwear bearing the logo of Lifeson's band.

"I absolutely would trade my job for Alex's. Tomorrow," said Mediate, 47. "He still loves what he does . . . and he's a psycho golfer. Psycho. He plays literally every day . . . He's probably about an eight handicap now, which isn't bad." ...

... Mediate, though he offered kind words for the golf course, seemed much happier to tell of the vicarious pleasure he takes in Rush's continuing success. The golfer was in L.A. a few weeks back to watch the band rehearse for its ongoing summer tour. And there he was Monday, wearing the name of a rock institution on a place usually reserved for the highest bidder.

"I just called Alex this morning and said, 'I need more hats, damn it,' " Mediate said. "This one's looking a little worse for wear - I've been wearing it so much - but I love it."

Thanks to Power Windows for the heads up.

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