Rush is a Band

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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Tue, Apr 30, 2024

2011 Rush Wall calendar celebrates Moving Pictures anniversary

Thu, Jan 7, 2010@3:05PM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 1/7@5:36PM: Many of you have noted that the item description specifically mentions a new LP (as opposed to an EP or something else) due out in 2010. This may be an assumption on their part or else they may be privy to some inside information. Yet another good sign.

Just last week on New Year's Day Rush's Permanent Waves celebrated its 30th anniversary. To commemorate the occasion NMR Distribution released their 2010 Rush wall calendar last year with a Permanent Waves theme. They'll be doing a similar thing with their 2011 Rush wall calendar to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Moving Pictures which was released on February 12, 1981. From the description of the item at the NMR Distribution website:

For Rush’s legions of intensely loyal fans, 2011 marks the 30th anniversary of the legendary band’s biggest-selling album, 1981’s multi-platinum “Moving Pictures”! We’ve worked with the band to create a uniquely special tribute calendar – featuring rare photos from the band's own archives.

* This is the album that catapulted the band from cult favourites to headliner status with the hit singles Tom Sawyer and Limelight as well as rock radio staples like YYZ.
* New LP due out in 2010 supported by a tour.
* Rush's core fan base never wavers! Extremely loyal fan base who's support consistently drives solid sell through results.

What I found especially interesting regarding their description is how they mention that there will be a new LP due out in 2010 supported by a tour. While we've known that for a while now, it's nice to see it in print. The calendar will likely ship this August and can be pre-ordered from the NMR Distribution website (wholesale only). Thanks to Marshall B for the heads up.

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
