Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Sun, May 5, 2024

Happy 30th anniversary Hemispheres!

Wed, Oct 29, 2008@7:30AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 10/29@9:55AM: The Power Windows site reminded me that today is also the 27th anniversary of Exit ... Stage Left and the 23rd anniversary of Power Windows! This certainly was a busy day in Rush history.

Today is the 30th anniversary of the release of Rush's 6th studio album, Hemispheres. Hemispheres was produced by Terry Brown and recorded between June and August of 1978 at Rockfield Studios in South Wales, UK. It peaked at #47 on the US Billboard charts, was certified Gold on December 14, 1978 and was certified Platinum on December 1, 1993. A remastered version was also released in 1997. Here's what the allmusic review has to say about the album:

While such albums as 1980's Permanent Waves and 1981's Moving Pictures are usually considered Rush's masterpieces (and with good reason), 1978's Hemispheres is just as deserving. Maybe the fact that the album consists of only four compositions (half are lengthy pieces) was a bit too intimidating for some, but the near 20-minute-long "Cygnus X-1 Book II - Hemispheres" is arguably the band's finest extended track. While the story line isn't as comprehensible as "2112" was, it's much more consistent musically, twisting and turning through five different sections which contrast heavy rock sections against more sedate pieces. Neil Peart had become one of rock's most accomplished lyricists by this point, as evidenced by "The Trees," which deals with racism and inequality in a unique way (set in a forest!). And as always, the trio prove to be experts at their instruments, this time on the complex instrumental "La Villa Strangiato." Geddy Lee's shrieking vocals on the otherwise solid "Circumstances" may border on the irritating, but Hemispheres remains one of Rush's greatest releases.

In this week's poll I'm asking everyone whether their first version of this classic album was on vinyl, 8-track, cassette or CD. If you haven't already, Take the poll and let us know. Here's La Villa Strangiato:

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
