Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Mon, May 6, 2024

Alex Lifeson interview; No setlist changes, Rolling Stone and Rush

Sun, May 18, 2008@11:45AM | comments removed/disabled

[Rush Redux]

UPDATE - 5/19@8:33AM: There was a technical error with this post that was not allowing any comments to be posted. Sorry about that - it's fixed now. Carry on. :)

Alex Lifeson was interviewed for a recent Star Tribune article previewing Thursday's show at the Xcel Energy Center in St. Paul. Alex pretty much puts to rest the idea that they might change up the setlist for the 2008 leg at some point:

... "Once we've established what the set is for the tour, it stays that way," Rush guitarist Alex Lifeson said recently during tour rehearsals in Puerto Rico.

For this leg of the tour, the Canadian rock trio has "dropped a couple of songs and put a couple of others in. We've changed a bit of the video stuff that goes on behind us," Lifeson said. "Other than that, it's pretty much the same as it was on the first half of the tour," even though half the cities will probably be repeats. ...

He also touches on a possible Rolling Stone feature story on Rush:

... Over 35 years, Rush has developed one of rock's most devoted cults. Because the band is either loved or hated (especially by critics), the fans have "this badge of honor," said Lifeson, who occasionally reads fans' rabid postings on the Internet.

He thinks the fans are more upset than the band members about Rush never even landing on the ballot for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

"They feel really slighted by it," he said. "I've read those postings. For us, it really, really doesn't matter. It's like the Grammys; if we get nominated, we think, 'There goes our credibility if we win a Grammy.' Fortunately, we never do."

Perceptions of rock's most enduring cult band, however, may be changing. Apparently, Rolling Stone magazine has taken an unexpected interest in Rush recently, dispatching a reporter to spend a whopping four days with the trio in Canada.

"They've never been much in the way of fans of ours -- in fact, totally the opposite of that for the longest time," Lifeson said. "There's been quite a bit of friction between them and us. It was odd to us to get this request to do this big interview with them. I've yet to see how it turns out. If they want to do a cover story on Rush, then something's changing somewhere."

Maybe Rolling Stone is starting a Canadian edition, eh?

Rush on the cover of Rolling Stone!? I'll believe it when I see it. Thanks to Sean for the heads up.

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