Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Fri, May 3, 2024

Rush Is A Band Q&A with Nick Raskulinecz

Mon, Mar 24, 2008@12:31PM | comments removed/disabled

[Submit your question for Nick Raskulinecz]

UPDATE - 4/11@10:53AM: The window for submitting your questions is now closed. I'll be compiling the questions and sending them to Nick and will let everyone know when he gets a chance to answer. Thanks to everybody who submitted a question!

If for any reason you would like to change or rescind your question, just let me know.

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In the first of what I hope will be a regular feature on, I will be accepting questions from readers for a Q&A session with Snakes & Arrows producer and major Rush fan Nick Raskulinecz. Nick actually agreed to do this a while ago but the timing was never quite right until just recently.

You'll need to be a registered user (just go here - it's free and easy) to submit a question and initially I'll just be allowing one question per user in the interest of fairness (I may open it up to more later depending on the volume of submissions). I'll accept questions for the next 3 weeks or so - up until opening night of the tour in Puerto Rico. I'll then go through the questions, weed out the duplicates and then hand them over to Nick to answer at his leisure. I'll attempt to use everybody's submission but I can't guarantee it - it just depends on how many questions I get. I also can't guarantee that your question will get answered - I'll leave it up to Nick what questions he wants to answer. To submit your question just go use this form.

Before submitting your question, I'd suggest you check out some previous interviews with Nick to familiarize yourself with his background and accomplishments. Here's a list:

[Nick Raskulinecz Wikipedia entry]
[Metro Pulse interview]
[McDonough Management bio]
[Budda Amplifiers podcast]

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
