Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Oct 24, 2024

Rush and Henderson Brewing introduce Big Al's Birdie Brew with hilarious new video featuring Alex Lifeson

Thu, Jun 27, 2024@2:45PM | comments

Rush and Henderson Brewing Company have announced the addition of Big Al's Birdie Brew to their collection of Rush beers. They introduced the new brew in a social media post and hilarious video featuring Big Al this morning (thanks Brave Words):

Rush's Alex Lifeson was having a beer after a round of golf and thought to himself, 'I bet the guys at Henderson could make a great golf beer!'. And so the ball started rolling on 'Big Al's Birdie Brew'. This 4% Mexican-style Lager refreshes like no other and is great on its own or with a wedge of lime. To celebrate the launch of the new beer, we're releasing some limited edition Big Al's merch. ...

You can purchase the beer and all the related merch at this location, and watch the video below:
