Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Tue, Feb 11, 2025

Support the Neil Peart memorial task force with the purchase of a Lakeside Park t-shirt

Sun, Oct 25, 2020@6:04PM | comments

UPDATE - 10/27@7:22AM: If you ordered a shirt after seeing this post, please read this message from the Port Dalhousie Supply Company:

To the Rush is a Band Community;

THANK YOU, Thank you, Thank you! Today, because of your actions we have crossed the...

Posted by Port Dalhousie Supply Company on Tuesday, October 27, 2020

----- snip -----

A committee tasked with producing a Neil Peart memorial in the late drummer's hometown of Port Dalhousie has raised over $10K from sales of their Rush-themed Lakeside Park t-shirts as described in this St. Catharines Standard article (thanks RushFanForever):

Brisk sales of Lakeside Park T-shirts have members of a task force helping plan a memorial to Rush drummer Neil Peart hoping a fundraising drive will be just as successful. "We, as a committee, are trying to think big with this project, given Neil's stature as a musician and author," said task force chair David DeRocco. ... A GoFundMe account set up a while ago to help with preliminary planning, combined with the sale of Lakeside Park T-shirts by task force member Chris O'Connor, has collected more than $10,000. ... A larger campaign to raise money to pay for the actual memorial will come later. ... The task force hasn't settled on a recommended location for a memorial, DeRocco said, but it should be somewhere near the pavilion at Lakeside Park that earlier this year was named in Peart's honour. He said the form it eventually takes will depend on artists' responses to a request for proposals the city will issue. He believes it should keep in mind the fact Peart remained humble despite his rock star status, and likely wouldn't want something "garish." ... "We certainly want something that is photographic and reflects the beauty of the park and the imagery Neil created in the song 'Lakeside Park.'"

The t-shirts can be purchased via for $29.99.
