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Thu, Oct 24, 2024

Rush: The Missing Tourbooks Collection now available at the Rush Backstage Club

Sat, Oct 17, 2020@12:45PM | comments

UPDATE - 10/31@11:53AM: FYI: the description indicates that the FBN litograph is 12"x17", but according to reports from those who have received it, it's actually 12"x18" (thanks plunge).

Rush's first tourbook was made available on the band's North American tour in support of 2112, and each subsequent tour after that point would also include a tourbook. So none of the band's first 3 albums are represented by a tourbook ... until now. Rush has decided to fill that gap and have just released a Missing Tourbooks Collection via the Rush Backstage Club. From the product listing:

While leafing through your Rush tourbook collection, have you ever noticed there are three studio album tours with no tourbook? We had to correct this! And correct we have done, with The Missing Tourbooks Collection. We went back in time, collecting photos, artwork, gear lists and much more from the tours for RUSH, Fly By Night, and Caress Of Steel. One benefit we had with this project is the ability to use modern 2020 printing techniques and materials, resulting in three unique tourbooks. The Fly By Night tourbook is HUGE, the RUSH tourbook feels great, and the Caress tourbook, well it just shines. ...

The collection can be purchased as a set of three for $79.99, which includes a bonus lithograph of the Fly By Night tourbook cover. You can also purchase each individually for $29.99 (Rush, Fly By Night, Caress of Steel).
