Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Mon, Feb 17, 2025

Happy 67th birthday Alex Lifeson!

Thu, Aug 27, 2020@8:46AM | comments

UPDATE - 8/28@9:23AM: Geddy Lee took some time out to wish his buddy Lerxst a happy birthday via Instagram yesterday:

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So, it's time again to celebrate the birth of the funniest man alive, my BFF, the talented and supremely idiotic Alex Lifeson!! Please enjoy these pics of the manchild through the ages. Starting with 2004 when someone foolishly invited us to throw out the first pitch at Arlington Stadium in Texas, then a flashback to the late 70's at Shepperton Studios rehearsing for our UK Tour, "Behind the Scenes" during The Trolls video shoot in 2012, and finally my bud and me in Reykjavik, Iceland 2013, having one last drink together before heading home after the Clockwork Angels Tour. #LekeLerxstBigAl #funniestmanalive #Didwewin #HappyBirthdayBFF #trollsarepeopletoo #orarethey #Hmmnotsomuch #blahblahblah @rush

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On this day back in 1953, our favorite guitarist - Alexandar Zivojinovich (aka Alex Lifeson) - was born in Fernie, British Columbia to Serbian immigrants, Nenad and Melanija Zivojinovich. He turns 67 years young today which catches him up with his bandmate Geddy Lee; Alex is the youngest member of Rush, being born about a month after Geddy Lee and just under a year after the late Neil Peart. In celebration of this occasion here's some video of a teenage Alex arguing with his parents over his future as a musician back in 1972. It's taken from the Alan King documentary Come on Children. Happy birthday Lerxst!! May you have many more, blah, blah, blah.
