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New Geddy Lee interview in latest issue of Classic Rock magazine

Tue, Nov 6, 2018@10:31AM | comments

UPDATE - 11/7@2:41PM: John over at has transcribed the article/interview and made it available online here.

UPDATE - 11/7@9:54AM: The entire issue, including the interview, is now available online here (thanks RushFanForever). Geddy mostly talks about his book project, but was also asked about his future plans:

I'm going to start going down to the studio and start using all those basses that are staring me in the face and see what happens. I'm not going to promise that I'm going to do a record, this is the way I look at life right now. I kept my family waiting for me for forty-two years, and I'm not doing anything ever again that keeps them waiting. I owe it to my beautiful, fantastic wife to be with her when she can stand me being with her, and I owe it to my grandson to be around and my mother now that she's older, and my kids. So that's my first priority right now But I still love music and I think I still have something to say, but I won't know that until I start banging away downstairs. If I start banging away and it feels like I have something valid to put out there, then I'll go ahead and follow that dream. Well, with my family's permission.

He was also asked about what life has been like since the R40 tour ended, and when he first admitted to himself that Rush was over:

The first few months afterwards, you're just sort of basking in the post-tour glory; it was a great tour, it was a fantastic memory and the last gig was quite emotional] would say I was a little emotionally bruised for a few months. But of course I had the comfort of my fabulous wife, and we just set off doing what we do: travelling, walking, me enjoying the family. I don't know when it came to me that we wouldn't return. I sort of suspected when we finished that we were really finished. I guess I held out some hope that maybe that wasn't so, but I think over time I just got used to the idea, and over time I started to understand that for Neil to leave was the right decision for him. Since then we've remained friends and we talk all the time. But the first few months 1 think were difficult, and now its not difficult. I still have moments. I think the book was a fantastically stupid idea for me, it was a ridiculous project. But my life has been ridiculous, and there are so many things about the way I live that are extreme, and yet at the same time I'm a pretty down-to-earth person. But I have these manias and these obsessions, and in many, many ways doing a book was a kind of obsession therapy for me. I mean that in a good way, I think.

One other item of note - Geddy confirms that Neil Peart is working on a book project of his own but didn't provide any details.

----- snip -----

The upcoming December, 2018 issue (Issue #256) of Classic Rock magazine hits newsstands next week and will contain a new interview with Rush's Geddy Lee according to a 12-page sampler recently released by the magazine as seen here (thanks RushFanForever). The cover tagline reads, "Rush: Basses, Bruises & Baseball - The Classic Rock Interview" and features a photo of Geddy. The table of contents page shows an in-concert photo of Geddy and highlights the following quote from the interview:

Rush's last gig was quite emotional. I was a little emotionally bruised for a few months.

It also has this description of the interview itself which appears on page 36:

Away from the spotlight he's a family man, a serious collector - wine, basses, baseball - and, most recently, an author. The Rush bassist/vocalist opens up in The Classic Rock interview.

The magazine is slated to hit stores/subscribers on November 13th in the UK.
