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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Tue, Feb 11, 2025

Dave Grohl on whether he could replace Neil Peart in new Rolling Stone interview

Fri, Jun 29, 2018@9:11PM | comments

Foo Fighters frontman Dave Grohl took some time out from touring to sit down with Rolling Stone for an interview this past week. At one point he was asked, given that Neil peart is now retired, what would he do if Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson asked him to play drums for Rush on a tour. Here's his reply:

I would say, "I'm not physically or musically capable, but thanks for the offer." Neil Peart, that's a whole other animal, another species of drummer. I know the arrangements, but I'm like Meg White to Neil Peart. And she's one of my favorite drummers! She's my daughter's favorite drummer, too. My daughter plays drums to two types of music: White Stripes and AC/DC. I'm like, "That's exactly what you need to be doing."

You can read the entire interview online at this location.
