Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Oct 24, 2024

New interview with Rush album artist Hugh Syme

Mon, Dec 7, 2015@11:23AM | comments

Back in May Rush released a 272 page coffee table book titled Art of Rush, which celebrates the 40 year relationship between Rush and their longtime artist and illustrator Hugh Syme. Syme recently spoke with uDiscover to talk about the book and his relationship with Rush:

... I was keyboardist, singer and co-arranger in The Ian Thomas Band, who were on the same label as Rush, and with their management, SRO-Anthem. Their manager, Ray Danniels, summoned me to his inner sanctum, where he asked if I'd consider designing a cover for Rush. I considered for a moment and then agreed, completely unaware that this would mark the beginning of a 40-year sojourn, beginning with Caress Of Steel. ... I believe that our longevity was maintained through a mutual dynamic: a band that dared to deviate from the norm was my kind of client! And they proved to be much more than that: friends, both graphic and musical. ...

You can read the entire interview online here (thanks Eric at Power Windows).
