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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Sat, Jul 27, 2024

Online campaign for Google Doodle to celebrate 40th anniversary of Rush's debut album

Mon, Dec 9, 2013@11:27AM | comments removed/disabled

An online campaign has been started with the aim of convincing Google to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the March, 1974 release of Rush's debut album on Moon Records with a Google Doodle. Google periodically celebrates certain historic events by modifying the logo on their home page in some fashion to celebrate the given event. These have come to be known as Google Doodles. Although the campaign is shooting for a March 1st, 2014 date to commemorate the release, the exact date of the Moon Records release of the album has been lost to history and is usually just cited as March, 1974. The date of the Mercury Records release of the album had also been lost to history for many years, but some recent detective work by the Power Windows site places it as August 10, 1974. This might also be an appropriate date to use to commemorate the release. While it's a really good idea, very few details regarding who is behind this campaign are given on the group's website. They call themselves Rock The Internet - Rush RFC and announced the campaign via an email blast, although it's also not clear where they obtained the list of email recipients. To let Google know that you support the idea and to share your ideas for the Doodle, just send them an email at

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
