Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Oct 24, 2024

Prog magazine Rush cover story now online

Thu, May 2, 2013@9:37AM | comments removed/disabled

The latest issue of Prog magazine went on sale last month, and the issue contains a 14-page Rush cover feature which includes 45 stories from 45 incredible years together. John over at has transcribed and scanned the entire article and made it available online at this location. There are a lot of interesting bits of trivia and tales from the band's early days that not every Rush fan may have heard about, along with the band's take on more recent material - such as 2002's Vapor Trails:

... "That record took us 15 months to make," Alex says. "A long, long time. We wanted to keep the essence of the raw emotion that we were feeling at the time. So in places it's a little scratchy or distorted. And in the long run, it's kind of bothered us." "One day," says Geddy, "we'll do a proper remix of that album and re-release it. I was just talking to Neil about it and he was saying it's hard for him to listen to the album for the obvious reasons. When he hears it now, his playing sounds confused and angry - that's what he hears. I hear a kind of raw emotion and passion. We had a real strong desire to make music that had a hard-hitting effect. I just thought it could have sounded a little better."

You can read the entire piece online here.

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