Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, Sep 11, 2024

Rush makes Billboard's list of Music's Top 40 Money Makers

Fri, Feb 22, 2013@7:54PM | comments removed/disabled

Billboard has compiled a list of the 40 highest-paid musicians of the past 12 months and Rush made the cut coming in at #28 with a total of $8,719,834.30 (thanks Marc-André). Here's what they had to say:

With or without recognition from the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Rush fans are tremendously loyal, turning out en masse for tours and ponying up for records, the latter to the tune of more than 500,000 physical units in 2012. These guys are perennials.

Other rock acts that came in higher than Rush were The Rolling Stones (#26), Red Hot Chili Peppers (#25), Nickelback (#17), Coldplay (#9), Dave Matthews Band (#6), Van Halen (#4), Roger Waters (#3) and Bruce Springstein (#2). Topping the list was Madonna with a whopping total of $34,577,308.62. You can check out the entire list at this location.

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