Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Oct 24, 2024

Rush reference on The Colbert Report last night

Wed, Nov 28, 2012@7:56AM | comments removed/disabled

There was a humorous Rush reference in last night's episode of The Colbert Report on Comedy Central. In the opening news segment Colbert relays a news story out of Canada about a 24-year-old Canadian grinch who was arrested for harassing children and telling them Santa Claus wasn't real. Colbert then goes on to say that there is no Santa Claus ... but only in Canada:

... but don't worry Canadian kids, you still have a Santa - it's just a Canadian Santa. Every year I believe it rotates to a different Canadian celebrity. Last year it was Nelly Furtado Claus (shows a picture of Nelly Furtado in a Santa hat), this year it's Rush (shows a picture of Rush with Santa hats on - see above). So that jing-jing-jingle you hear on the roof is just Neil Peart breaking into a 45-minute high hat solo.

You can watch the segment below or at this location. Rush was a guest on The Colbert Report back in 2008 where they played Tom Sawyer - their first TV performance in over 30 years. Thanks to 2112-YYZ for the heads up.

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