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Thu, Oct 24, 2024

Rush Clockwork Angels tour Minneapolis open thread

Mon, Sep 24, 2012@12:58PM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 9/27@10:31AM: John over at has posted a really impressive photo gallery from the show courtesy PetieLee over at his website here.

UPDATE - 9/25@9:41AM: Here's a review of the show from

UPDATE - 9/25@5:42AM: Reports seem to indicate that there were no deviations from the Night A setlist so I'll go with that unless I hear otherwise (full setlist here *SPOILERS*). Here's a review of the show from the Star Tribune, and official photos are now posted at

UPDATE - 9/24@10:48PM: Here's a very cool 360-degree interactive, panoramic image of the Target Center crowd at intermission that was tweeted by Rob Shofner.

Rush's Clockwork Angels tour marches northward to play the Target Center in Minneapolis tonight before heading on to the Great White North later this week. They are due to play their Night A setlist - the same that was played in Columbus (*SPOILERS*) last week. If there are any deviations from this setlist I'll be sure to post them here. Reader Marty From Clayton passed along this short blurb on the show from today's St. Paul Pioneer Press. He also wanted me to remind folks coming in to see the show from Wisconsin that the Stillwater Bridge is closed (a major Twin Cities crossing), and they'll have to enter Minnesota at the Hudson crossing. For everyone going to the show tonight - have fun, be safe and make sure to share your reports, reviews, and photos with us. Rush!!

Date/Time: Monday, September 24th @ 7:30PM
Show Number: 9
Venue: Target Center
Place: Minneapolis, MN

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NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
