Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Thu, Oct 24, 2024

Interview with Clockwork Angels String Ensemble member Adele Stein

Wed, Sep 12, 2012@10:07AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 9/13@9:36AM: Here's some more background on Stein from a 2010 article in the same publication (thanks RushFanForever).

The Salina Journal posted an interview (*SPOILERS*) with Clockwork Angels String Ensemble member Adele Stein this morning. Stein is a 25-year-old cellist from Phoenix who is one of the 8 string musicians - 6 violinists and 2 cellist - that are accompanying Rush on the Clockwork Angels tour. The article gives several new insights regarding the string section:

... "It's really an incredible experience," she said. "We sit behind the band on a riser. People will be able to see us very clearly." ... guitarist Alex Lifeson, drummer/lyricist Neal Peart and vocalist/bass player Geddy Lee are "the sweetest men you can possibly imagine."

Stein first met the band after she arrived in Toronto on Aug. 26 for pre-tour rehearsals. She said the string players did a rendition of "Happy Birthday" for Lifeson, whose birthday fell during the early days of rehearsals. Stein said she walked past Lifeson and wished him happy birthday, and he thanked her by name.

"Some people I've worked with who are famous, like, they don't take the time to get to know your name," she said. "They (Rush members) are so humble and do not act famous at all."

Before the tour started, Stein had been concerned about how the loud music on stage might affect her sensitive ears. However, she was soon contacted by an audiologist, who took impressions of her ears and prepared custom-made headphones in which she can control the volume of the sound mix.

She said she had listened to a few of the new songs off the recently released album before arriving to rehearse, but at the first rehearsal the musicians all listened to the music together before playing it. ...

You can read the entire article here (*SPOILERS*).

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
