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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, May 1, 2024

Rush discussed on latest episode of VH1 Classic's That Metal Show

Thu, Oct 13, 2011@1:21PM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 10/13@5:19PM: For those of you unable to view the VH1 video link, here's the entire episode up on YouTube (thanks carlos t). I'm assuming this will get pulled eventually so watch it while you can.

There were several Rush-related references and discussions on the most recent episode of VH1 Classic's That Metal Show with Eddie Trunk. Eddie work a Rock & Roll Hall of Fame shirt which instead read Rock and Roll Hall of Shame & Disgrace, and had a list of snubbed bands on the back including Rush. Then the category in the That Metal Show's Top 5 was Hard Rock Drummers where Neil ended up at #3 behind John Bonham at #2. During the discussion they went back and forth on how to pronounce Peart. They feigned difficulty in selecting the top spot and then Mike Portnoy himself - who was later interviewed on the episode - stepped out from backstage and put himself as #1 on the final board. When they spoke later with Mike, he placed Neil at #2 behind Bonham for his personal list of top 5 hard rock drummers. Then for The Throwdown they pitted the 2 Rush albums Permanent Waves and Moving Pictures against eachother. Permanent Waves ended up winning 3-2, and there was a lot of great discussion on the albums between the 3 hosts and the 2 guests - Portnoy and John Sykes. You can watch the full episode online at this link. Thanks to Power Windows for the heads up.

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
