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Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, Feb 12, 2025

Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage wins Juno for Music DVD of the Year!

Sat, Mar 26, 2011@10:44PM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 4/1@10:08AM: Here's video of Geddy and Alex presenting Arcade Fire with their Album of the Year award (thanks RushFanForever):

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UPDATE - 3/28@10:18AM: There is video available online but apparently it's only viewable from Canada. It's in this clip at about the 1:40 mark (thanks The Clansman 2112).

UPDATE - 3/28@9:52AM: And here's a photo of Scot McFadyen, Pegi Cecconi (of Anthem) and Sam Dunn with their Juno for Music DVD of the Year! (thanks RushFanForever).

UPDATE - 3/28@9:43AM: Here is an audio clip of Alex and Geddy presenting the Album of the Year award courtesy Eric at Power Windows, and here's a transcript:

Announcer: Please welcome from the legendary rock group Rush - Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson! (applause)

Alex: And the winner is ... Oh - wait a second. We are honored to present the final Juno tonight - Album of the Year - sponsored by the Canadian Recording Industry Association. This award represents the best Canada has to offer.

Geddy: One of the things you learn quickly when you start out in the music business is that there are many different roads to success. These nominees illustrate that perfectly.

Alex: The routes these artists took vary from a major label to an independent path.

Geddy: From constant national tours to the global power of the internet.

Alex: But no matter what the business approach is, the music always has to be great. That's the other rule you'll learn quickly Geddy.

Geddy: Thanks Al. The nominees for Album of the Year are (announcer lists nominees)

Alex: And the Juno goes to.... The Suburbs, Arcade Fire!

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UPDATE - 3/28@9:22AM: The Canadian Music Scene has this photo posted of Geddy and Alex getting ready to present Arcade Fire with their Juno. Apparently you can watch the entire show at the CTV website, but as of right now the feed doesn't seem to be working (at least not for me).

UPDATE - 3/28@7:04AM: ... and yet another photo - this one from CTV (thanks double-agent). And one from the Toronto Sun (thanks Power Windows).

UPDATE - 3/27@10:44PM: Geddy and Alex were just on and presented Arcade Fire with the Album of the Year award for The Suburbs (thanks limelighter).

UPDATE - 3/27@10:02PM: The Canadian Music Scene posted this great red carpet photo of Geddy and Alex which you can check out on their homepage.

UPDATE - 3/27@9:00PM: ... And another. This one from the CTV website.

UPDATE - 3/27@8:39PM: Here's another photo of Alex and Geddy on the Junos red carpet from the Toronto Globe and Mail. Alex looks a little cold. :)

UPDATE - 3/27@8:01PM: Geddy and Alex appeared on the CTV eTalk web broadcast of the Junos red carpet and reader Don C was able to get a screen grab. Ed Robertson of the Barenaked Ladies joined them just after this photo was taken and said he was Neil Peart. :)

UPDATE - 3/27@9:12AM: Broken Social Scene's This Movie is Broken was also up for Music DVD of the Year and founding member Brendan Canning was rooting for Rush too. From the Toronto Sun (thanks RushFanForever):

... [Canning] also thinks Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage will trump This Movie Is Broken for music DVD of the year. "As much as I like our film and our concert DVD, you gotta give credence and credit. What are you going to do? You can't take Rush, you can't knock them off the podium. And video, I honestly haven't looked at the other nominees in video."

Back in 2006 Geddy Lee had a cameo in Broken Social Scene's music video for their song Fire Eye'd Boy.

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The 2011 Juno Gala and Awards was held in Toronto this evening hosted by Jian Ghomeshi and Seamus O'Regan where Juno Awards in 32 of the 40 categories were awarded. The remaining 8 will be announced tomorrow during the 2011 Juno Awards Ceremony broadcast on CTV live from the Air Canada Centre starting at 8PM EST where Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson will be presenters. The Rush documentary Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage was one of the lucky winners and brought home the Juno for Music DVD of the Year! A big congratulations to Rush and the filmmakers Sam Dunn and Scot McFadyen. This is Rush's first Juno since 2004 when they won Music DVD of the Year for Rush in Rio. For more history on Rush and the Juno Awards see this post. Thanks to Paul at The Canadian Music Scene for the heads up.

Related Posts:
[Juno Awards this weekend; history of Rush and the Junos]
[Geddy Lee talks about Canadian music industry at VIP Juno Luncheon]
[Special Juno Screening of Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage]
[Alex Lifeson and Geddy Lee to attend 2011 Juno Awards Ceremony]
[Vote For Rush in Juno Awards' Canadian Top 40 Songs of 40 Years]
[Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage nominated for Juno Award]

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
