UPDATE - 9/30@6:50PM: Official photos have been posted over at Rush.com in the Multimedia: Rush on the Road section.
UPDATE - 9/30@9:53AM: Apparently the band and crew played golf at The Trophy Club of Atlanta golf course yesterday afternoon according to a post on the Club's Facebook page (thanks Nicecoldbeer):
Rush concert tonight at the Verizon Wireless Ampitheater. The band and all their crew played golf here yesterday and they were a blast to have out here. We got a good picture with the band, pic to follow...
Here's a review from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution along with this photo gallery (thanks katskahnne).
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UPDATE - 9/29@6:03PM: More details on Rush's CNN appearance tomorrow from the Rush Facebook page (thanks robertkincaid96):
John Roberts speaks with all 3 members of Rush backstage on their Time Machine Tour in Atlanta. The piece will air twice on CNN 'American Morning' 6-9 AM on Thursday, September 30th, 2010.
It will also repeat on Kyra Phillips' show between the 9:15-9:45 window and appear on www.cnn.comTune in!
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Rush brings the Time Machine Tour into Atlanta tonight for the 3rd to last show on the US leg of the tour. While in town the guys (Alex and Geddy I assume) will be making a stop at CNN's headquarters to appear on CNN's American Morning program tomorrow (thanks jmreidfo). The show is co-anchored by Canadian-born journalist John Roberts, who happens to be a huge Rush fan and even made an appearance in the Rush documentary. For everyone going to the show, have fun, be safe and make sure to share your photos/videos/reports.
Date/Time: Wednesday, September 29th @ 7:30PM
Show Number: 38
Venue: Verizon Wireless Amphitheatre
Place: Alpharetta, GA (outside Atlanta)
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