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Thu, Oct 24, 2024

Rush Hollywood Walk of Fame star ceremony open thread

Fri, Jun 25, 2010@11:35AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 7/2@7:33AM: Kelly D let me know that radio talk show host Norm Goldman mentions being at the ceremony in a recent blog post.

UPDATE - 6/28@2:08PM: Reader Vyan let me know that CNN has some nice video comverage of the ceremony at this link. Then there's this coverage from CanWest News Service, and this coverage from RTT News. Reader RushFanForever let me know that the Smashing Pumpkins Facebook Page has several photos from the ceremony posted at this link. I've added several more excellent photos to my Walk of Fame web album courtesy reader KatSkahnne. There are a bunch of great videos on the official Hollywood Walk of Fame YouTube channel. And reader JillyBean of sent a bunch of fantastic, pro-shot photos which you can check out in this web album or view the slideshow below.

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UPDATE - 6/26@1:40PM: Here's a little write-up on the ceremony in the Patriot Ledger which focuses on Donna Halper's role in getting Rush their star. And the Walk of Fame has its own YouTube channel with several videos from the ceremony including a few videos where Alex and Geddy are interviewed (thanks RushFanForever).

UPDATE - 6/26@9:37AM: Here's a big slideshow gallery of official press photos from the event (thanks double-agent). And here's a great gallery of photos from RulerOfPlanetMalnar. Reader Paul D sent me this video which includes the introductory speech from the President of the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce along with Donna Halper's introduction speech:

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UPDATE - 6/25@9:13PM: Here's a write-up on the ceremony from The Hollywood Reporter which also includes a 6-minute video showing Billy Corgan's introductory speech along with Alex and Geddy accepting the award (thanks The Sphere):

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UPDATE - 6/25@9:02PM: There are a bunch of fantastic pro-shot AP/Canadian Press photos posted at The Canadian Music Scene website. And I added yet more photos to the Hollywood Walk of Fame photo album courtesy Moving-Pictures91 and Steve W:

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UPDATE - 6/25@7:29PM: Donna Halper has graciously allowed me to post her speech from today's Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony. You can read it at this link.

UPDATE - 6/25@5:31PM: I added some more photos to the Hollywood Walk of Fame photo album courtesy Simon Q:

UPDATE - 6/25@5:24PM: Here's a video of Geddy and Alex accepting the award and giving little speeches:

UPDATE - 6/25@5:21PM: Here's a video of Geddy signing autographs and holding a baby!

UPDATE - 6/25@5:16PM: Here are some great photos courtesy Ken C (aka kenster2112):

UPDATE - 6/25@4:23PM: Here's a report from reader Ross R:

I just got back from Rush's Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony. There were maybe 500 people corralled into an area in front of the 'stage' where Geddy and Alex made their acceptance speeches. First, the MC gave a biographical speech of Rush, followed by Donna Halper and Billy Corgan. Corgan's speech was funny; he quoted some Rush lyrics, talked about his first band which was a Rush tribute band, and joked about Geddy's voice. Geddy then spoke, and mentioned that Neil was on his motorcycle to their first show. Alex, cracked some jokes, such as thanking Keebler cookies. He also thanked all Rush fans.

The media were present, as there were about 8 large video cameras pointed directly at the stage.

The whole ceremoney from start to finish lasted about 35 minutes. Before the ceremony began, they had Rush music playing on some loud speakers. ...

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UPDATE - 6/25@3:04PM: Here's a photo from The Hollywood Reporter Twitter feed (thanks hermy).

UPDATE - 6/25@2:24PM: The word is that Neil Peart will not be there and has already headed to Albuquerque.

UPDATE - 6/25@12:05PM: Reader David E tells me that there are apparently already a few hundred people waiting in line for the ceremony!

The ceremony awarding Rush the 2,412th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame will take place at 6752 Hollywood Boulevard in front of the Musician's Institute in just a couple of hours at 11:30AM PST (2:30PM EST). Donna Halper along with Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan will be on hand at the ceremony to introduce the band. If you'll be attending the ceremony please send in your reports, photos and videos. I'll post everything I receive to this thread. Congratulations Rush!

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[Rush to receive star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame]
[Rush Star Hollywood Walk of Fame Project]

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
