Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Tue, Sep 10, 2024

New CBC video interview with Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson

Tue, Mar 23, 2010@11:49AM | comments removed/disabled

[A Conversation with Rush]

UPDATE - 3/23@3:42PM: For those wondering about the timing of this interview - according to the interviewer Laurie Brown, it was conducted in early March (thanks hermy).

UPDATE - 3/23@1:04PM: I can't believe I missed the best part! At around the 4:45 mark Geddy says the following with regards to new material:

... Just about a month and a half ago we had no songs. And now we've been writing and now we've got about 6 songs that we just love. ...

----- snip -----

The CBC just posted a nearly hour-long video interview with Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson where they discuss their upcoming induction into the Canadian Songwriters Hall of Fame with Laurie Brown. This is the first word we've received from any member of the band since Neil Peart's January Canadian Press interview. They spend the bulk of the interview discussing their approach to writing music, focusing on the 5 songs that will be inducted into the Hall of Fame next week. But what will likely be of most interest to Rush fans are the bits of the interview where the two discuss recording and touring. At about the 19:30 mark Geddy mentions possibly bringing back Closer to the Heart for the next tour. And towards the end of the interview (around the 49-minute mark) Alex confirms that they've been writing and working again, and is very excited about it. So although they didn't officially confirm a tour, they did hint at it - and they confirmed that they are working on new material. You can listen to the entire interview at this link.

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
