Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, Oct 23, 2024

Updates and other random Rush stuff

Fri, Jan 29, 2010@12:55PM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 1/30@8:51AM: RushFanForever noted that according to the Power Windows tour archive Rush played one show with Ronny Legg on July 25, 1974 at Centennial Hall in London, Ontario opening for KISS and that this was their last show with John Rutsey. Four days later on Geddy's 21st birthday Neil Peart would officially join the band.

UPDATE - 1/29@4:52PM: Reader thing2jordan is the one who posted the early Rush image with John Rutsey referenced below to ImageShack. She says that the guy on the far right is promoter Nick Panaseiko and musician Ronny Legg is in the middle, but she's not sure who the bearded guy is.

UPDATE - 1/29@3:13PM: Here's another article with more details on Rush's alleged ridiculing of The Runaways back in the mid-70's (thanks durga2112):

Their Order of Canada is probably safe. But Joan Jett says members of Rush were anything but polite Canucks when the Runaways opened for them in the 1970s. In the new film biopic about the band titled The Runaways, Jett (played by Kristen Stewart) is derided by an unidentified rock group they're opening for. She later retaliates by breaking into their dressing room and urinating on one of their guitars. Jett doesn't hesitate to identify the real-life inspiration for the scene. "Rush! They sat on the side of the stage and laughed at us," Jett says. "That sort of stuff pisses me off."

----- snip -----

The tour date rumors have begun! Reader Mark let me know that 105.7 WAPL out of Appleton, WI has been announcing on the air that Rush will be playing Summerfest in Milwaukee on July 3rd and their website is confirming this (free registration required to read). There's no mention on the Summerfest website though, and certainly no official word from Rush yet. Chicago's WLUP is also once again announcing on the air that Rush will be playing Chicago this Summer (thanks malterb) although they aren't giving any date. WLUP was one of the stations that was running a contest last month to promote the release of the Working Men live compilation where they gave away a chance to win tickets to Rush's next tour. They also went as far to say that they were expecting Rush to be in Chicago in 2010 with details coming soon. These are good signs and I'm sure more tour date rumors will start to trickle in over the next few weeks leading up to the official announcement which I'm still hearing will be coming later next month.

Earlier this week I reported that the long-anticipated Rush documentary is finally finished and will be making its theatrical debut sometime this Spring. The word is that the band and their management have screened the entire film and given it the green light. The details of the theatrical release are still being worked out but it will most likely be a limited release of some kind at a film festival or festivals. It will also supposedly air on VH1 some time in the late Spring and be released on DVD later this year. In November I'd mentioned that the film would contain some pro-shot footage of the band with John Rutsey on drums, purportedly taken from a Canadian Bandstand gig that Rush played at Laura Secord High School in St. Catharines, ON in 1974. I've received separate confirmation that this is indeed the case and that about 2-3 minutes of surprisingly quality footage from this show will be included in the film. I'd also heard that a good bit of footage was cut for the theatrical release but that most of this would eventually make it to the DVD release as extras.

Speaking of the late John Rutsey, RushFanForever dug up this old photo of Rush that was recently posted to ImageShack. It shows John Rutsey, Geddy and Alex with 3 unknown (to me at least) people. If anyone has seen this before or knows who's in the photo, let us know.

Canadian television networks CBC, CTV and Global organized a one-hour charity telethon called Canada for Haiti which aired last Friday night at 7PM. They ended up raising millions of dollars for a group of Canadian charities working in Haiti. Geddy Lee made an appearance at the event but did not perform. You can see video of his appearance at this link. The event was then followed by a US benefit called Hope for Haiti Now. Canadians who would like to help out may call 1-877-51HAITI (42484) or you can give online at Anyone can also donate via the Hope for Haiti website.

Speaking of Hope for Haiti Now, American music industry insider Bob Lefsetz recently stirred up a little controversy by claiming on his blog that Madonna's performance at the telethon was pre-recorded. You can watch the video at this link and judge for yourself. Alex Lifeson emailed Lefsetz and gave his opinion on the matter:

I didn't watch the live performance but based on this YouTube video, I can clearly hear the thumping during the clapping. If this allegation is solely based on not hearing the clapping thump on the mic, then it is clearly incorrect.

Tommy Shaw and Peter Frampton also chimed in, agreeing with Alex's assessment. Thanks to George for the heads up.

Back in the June 2009 issue of DRUM! Magazine, Neil Peart answered some questions that were sent in by readers for a cover feature titled Thus Spoke Neil: DRUM! Readers Interview Neil Peart. The magazine ended up receiving over 1000 question submissions from fans that they whittled down to 11, including questions from RIAB regulars Spindrifter, DrummerDad2112, and barboy2112. There was also a sidebar article where Shadows Fall drummer Jason Bittner asked his own question of Neil. DRUM! Magazine finally posted the article to their website earlier this week at this link. You can also check out full scans of the article in this post.

The March/April issue of The Walrus magazine contains a feature on Rush titled Living on a Lighted Stage: Are we finally ready to take Rush seriously?. It's a 4-page feature that discusses all the attention that Rush has been garnering recently. Thanks to Paul D for the heads up.

Rush gets a mention in a sidebar article to a recent San Antonio Express-News feature story on heavy metal band Anvil titled Canadian Bands Rocked San Antonio Airwaves In 1970s, 1980s. Writer David Glessner looks back on how San Antonio DJs championed Canadian rock bands during the late 1970s and 1980s:

... "The first Rush album was our introduction to Canadian rock 'n' roll," said former KMAC/KISS DJ Lou Roney. "At first, that album was an import. The record labels in Canada realized that these radio guys in San Antonio would play Canadian bands, so they started flooding us with stuff. Next came Triumph, Garfield and Moxy. It was kind of an accident, but fortunately we liked about 80 percent of the stuff they sent us."

While Rush and Triumph have long acknowledged the importance to their careers of the late, iconic KISS DJ Joe "The Godfather" Anthony, a long list of other Canadian bands, including Anvil, Aldo Nova, Coney Hatch, Killer Dwarfs, Helix, Exciter and April Wine, once crackled with life in San Antonio.

"When I think of Anvil, I think of my friends Joe Anthony and Lou Roney," said KZEP music director Tom Scheppke. "Those guys had a pipeline to all of the up-and-coming bands, especially from Canada. Anvil's problem was that they were ahead of their time musically, plus they didn't get good support from their record labels like fellow Canadian bands Rush and Triumph."

Thanks to Power Windows for the heads up.

Rush gets a mention in this article on the soon to be released biopic film The Runaways which chronicles the story of 70s all-girl band The Runaways:

... The movie, which had its world premiere here at the Sundance Film Festival Sunday night, takes the viewer on the frenetic voyage shared by Currie and Jett, two women who accidentally rewrote the book on "c-rock" and, according to Jett herself, endured the ridicule of iconic Canadian band Rush when they shared the same bill. ...

The Runaways opened for Rush a couple of times back in the mid 70s and are pictured with band members Lita Ford, Cherie Currie and Joan Jett in this photograph. I'm not sure what form of ridicule Rush inflicted on them, but they seem cordial enough in the photo. Thanks to RushFanForever for the heads up.

Reader Toronto Writer let me know that Alex Lifeson gets a mention in the January 23rd diary entry of rock photographer Ross Halfin. Ross noticed Alex's recent interview in Guitar Aficiando:

... In Bangkok next week. Peter Makowski is joining me to do a travel story for Guitar Aficionado, so I looked at the new issue which has Alex Lifeson playing golf . Yes folks, lots of unrest in the forest as he blasts out the Trees on his ES355 in between holes, looking for Xanadu in the suburbs of Toronto. It was such a shock seeing Alex with his nine iron - wonder if Geddy caddies for him. The low point is a story on Mark Seliger with a portrait of him showing how ugly he is, with badly dyed hair.

Back in September Skip Daly interviewed early Rush roadie Ian Grandy for an article that appeared at Skip has kept in touch with Ian since then and recently received some photos from him of a few of his old backstage passes which he shared in this post at Counterparts along with Ian's comments:

"I have a stage pass from the "Moving Pictures" tour that features a giant turd in a toilet bowl as the picture. It was called "The Shit Pass" (for obvious reasons). Guys would come up to you and say that they'd lost their pass and needed another one - which was fine, only you'd see their girlfriend wearing their pass 20 minutes later. When you gave them "The Shit Pass" as a replacement, it was amazing how fast they'd find their original.")

You can check out the passes by clicking on the thumbnails above. Many thanks to Mr. Grandy and Skip for sharing these.

Speaking of Skip, last week his Rush Petition website was re-launched in preparation for the upcoming 2010 Rush tour. The site is a means for Rush fans to voice their opinion on which Rush songs they wanted to hear on tour. This time around they are asking fans to choose 5 songs that Rush has not played live in the past 20 years. If you haven't voted yet, go to and do so. As of this posting The Camera Eye and Jacob's Ladder are holding onto the number one and two spots respectively with Hemispheres a strong third. ran an informal poll this past week to determine the most underrated guitarists. Alex Lifeson made the list with multiple votes. Thanks to Matteo for the heads up.

Nettie let me know that there's a new item for sale at Neil Peart's Bubba's Bar -n- Grill merchandise store: drink coasters! $9.99 for a set of four.

Rush's 2112 and the movie 2012 are the subject of this satirical blog post at Stupid Future. Thanks to John for the link.

And I'll leave you this week with this bootleg video of a Rush soundcheck at the Maple Leaf Gardens in Toronto on May 17, 1990, during the Presto tour (thanks drummerdad2112).

Have a great weekend!

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
