Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Wed, Feb 12, 2025

Rush guest appearance at Foo Fighters show in Toronto

Sun, Mar 23, 2008@8:41AM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 3/25@9:58PM: There are a bunch of great photos from the show posted at the Foo Fighters website. They're mostly backstage and rehearsal shots. Thanks to Neilzy for the heads up.

UPDATE - 3/24@9:41AM: ... and another view (thanks pblaster).

UPDATE - 3/24@9:34AM: ... and yet another vid. This one is from closeup. You gotta love YouTube. Thanks once again to Toronto Writer for finding this.

UPDATE - 3/23@9:31PM: Here's another bootleg vid which also includes the entire Hawkins drum solo and the intro/outro to YYZ (thanks The Professor).

UPDATE - 3/23@10:07AM: Here it is! Thanks to Toronto Writer for the heads up.

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UPDATE - 3/23@10:04AM: There are articles at both JAM! and The Globe and Mail about the show. Thanks to cameron2112 for the links.

Foo Fighters fans who attended last night's show at the Air Canada Centre in Toronto got a BIG surprise about half way through the set. Right at the end of Taylor Hawkins' drum solo Dave Grohl announced that he wanted to introduce a couple of his friends ... Geddy Lee and Alex Fucking Lifeson! (apparently Alex has a middle name I wasn't aware of). Then came the opening chimes of YYZ and they jammed out the entire song. They left immediately afterwards without saying anything but Dave Grohl kept bragging about it for the rest of the show; We just had Rush play at a Foo Fighters concert, Taylor had the balls to play drums for Rush in Rush's hometown, etc. The Foo Fighters are huge Rush fans and got to know the guys through common producer Nick Raskulinecz. Many thanks to the lucky bastards who were at the show and gave me their reports - Brian, Amanda G and dingo. :)

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
