Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Fri, Dec 13, 2024

RushCon report

Sat, Sep 22, 2007@1:34PM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 9/23@10:43PM: I'm back! I'm too wiped out to write much... but here are some photos.

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I made it to Toronto in one piece yesterday and had a blast at the RushCon In the Mood Mixer and tribute band concert last night. I met a lot of great people and drank too much Canadian beer. As far as the documentary goes, Andrew MacNaugtan was not there ... but Sam Dunn was - with his film crew too. If you don't know who Sam Dunn is, he's a Toronto native who is the creative force behind the heavy metal documentary Metal: A Headbanger's Journey for which he interviewed Geddy Lee. I spoke with Sam and he's just begun filming a documentary on Rush with the blessing of the band. He was there last night to get some footage of Rush fans in action. If his Rush documentary is half as good as Metal than we are in for a treat once he's finished. I'm still unclear as to whether Andrew MacNaughtan will be doing any filming at RushCon or just at Rush EuCon. We'll see I guess.

The tribute band Limelight was fantastic as was the venue (The Opera House). They played mostly 70s-80s era Rush but also threw in a couple from Snakes & Arrows; Far Cry and Malignant Narcissism. And, just like Toronto Airport did last year, they played Moving Pictures in its entirety. In addition to the band there was Rush Karaoke and the YYZ air-drumming contest. My internet connection here at the Days Inn is a bit flaky so I'll keep this short for now. Once I'm able I'll give a more detailed report and post some pictures.

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
