Rush is a Band

A blog devoted to RUSH:
Neil Peart, Geddy Lee & Alex Lifeson

Tue, Oct 22, 2024

Far Cry open thread

Sun, Mar 11, 2007@11:33PM | comments removed/disabled

UPDATE - 3/12@9:04PM: This is nuts. I'm having trouble keeping up. But it's fun. :)

Looks like took down the clip for a little while in order to swap out the Flash with a version using an encrypted mp3. So the direct link to the mp3 file no longer works. Not a big deal though - the file is all over the place. I'm taking my snazzy little player away for now just because I have nowhere I can host the file that can handle the traffic. Plus there's really no need at this point. Just listen to it at or grab a copy from one of the message boards like Counterparts... or just ask somebody here to email you a copy.

According to many readers, several radio stations seem to be playing a shortened version of the song. I can't vouch for that but I've heard it from enough people to think it could be true. Whether this is a truncated version or an altogether different version (or a mass delusion) is unknown at this time. :)

There was a poll up on Q107's website with some very interesting results.

I know I'm forgetting something else... I'll think of it later. Oh yeah - and be nice to Nick.

----- snip -----

UPDATE - 3/12@11:53AM: Alright... not much more to be said here. I've finally had some time to sit back and attempt to digest all this. Wow. Comments are pouring into this thread faster than I can keep up. I also appreciate all the emails. Far Cry is all over the net and is now in rotation on several radio stations. There's even this homemade video for the song up on YouTube. If you haven't had a chance to check out the revamped then do so. It's a vast improvement over the old one and there's a great little gallery of pics from in the studio. No tour dates yet though. More on that later.


UPDATE - 3/12@6:43AM: Wow. Rush completely trumped everybody with how they released this. Well played! For anyone who hasn't already downloaded the mp3 directly from, the file is here. Or, if you prefer, use my snazzy little player below. New Rush! Wooohooo!!

UPDATE - 3/12@6:24AM: I guess I should have stayed up a little later. Go to! It's there - the whole song... along with a completely revamped site. Very cool. Rush is really doing a stand-up job of leveraging the internet for this album. This song rocks!

Tomorrow is the big day. We get our first taste of a complete new Rush song in 5 years. We heard the 15-second clip ... then we heard the 45-second clip ... then we merged the two! Now ... the whole thing!! Stations are supposed to be able to obtain the song at 6AM. Soon after this the bootleg copies will no doubt appear and spread like wildfire throughout the net. This thread is here for the sole purpose of tracking the release of the song throughout the day. If you hear the song, let us know where you heard it and what your thoughts are. I'll be updating this post throughout the day too. It's gonna be a fun ride.

Related Posts:
[Far Cry promo image ... longer clip coming? 45-second clip!]
[New album release date May 1st; Far Cry sample online]

NOTE: Posts over 10 years old are partially archived. All comments, images and other embedded media have been removed.
